
Choate House on the 绿巨人视频Pleasantville campus

Young Adult Option

(Enrollment Via Form Only)

Effective September 1, 2009 New York passed a law that gives dependent children the right to continue medical coverage up to age 30, after they reach the maximum child age in their parent鈥檚 policy (鈥淵oung Adult Option鈥). Young Adult Option medical coverage does not include vision coverage. Newly-eligible Young Adult Option participants, who are currently enrolled in medical/vision coverage under the active employee plan, may elect to continue vision coverage under COBRA. Please contact the University Benefits office for further information.

Who is eligible?

In order to participate, the 鈥淎ge 29鈥 law requires the coverage, the young adult鈥檚 parent, and the young adult to meet certain requirements.

The Coverage

The coverage must:

  1. Be a group or group remittance health insurance policy that includes coverage for dependents;
  2. Be issued in New York State and subject to New York State laws; and
  3. Be fully insured (this benefit does not apply to self-funded plans).

The Parent

The parent must be covered under the group policy as an employee or member of the group or pursuant to a right under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) or state continuation coverage law.

The Young Adult

The young adult must:

  1. Be unmarried;
  2. Be 29 years of age or under;
  3. Not be insured by or eligible for comprehensive (i.e., medical and hospital) health insurance through his or her own employer;
  4. Live, work or reside in New York State or the health insurance company鈥檚 service area; and
  5. Not be covered under Medicare.

Please note that the young adult does not have to live with a parent, be financially dependent on a parent, or be a student.

Since the law became effective for policies that renewed on or after September 1, 2009, the Young Adult Option was added to 绿巨人视频鈥檚 medical plan effective July 1, 2010, which is the first contract renewal date after September 1, 2009. Dependent children can sign up for Young Adult coverage:

  • During an initial 12 month 鈥渟pecial enrollment鈥 period, which begins when the parent鈥檚 group policy is renewed on January 1, 2023;
  • Within 60 days after reaching the maximum age or experiencing a qualifying life status change, as described in the parent鈥檚 plan;
  • During any future Open Enrollment period held for the group plan.

If you have a dependent on COBRA because they aged off of the 绿巨人视频 medical plan, they may elect the Young Adult Option at this time. Please keep in mind that once COBRA coverage is waived, it may not be reinstated.

Please note that 绿巨人视频鈥檚 dependent eligibility for the Aetna medical plans will remain at age 26, with coverage until the end of the calendar year. Upon aging off the medical plan, the dependent will have the opportunity to enroll in the Young Adult Option or COBRA.

For those dependents aging off the plan that elect the Young Adult Option, it will provide an extension to coverage to age 30. Continuation will cease on the earliest of the following events:

  • The dependent鈥檚 30th birthday;
  • The dependent voluntarily terminates coverage;
  • The employee (insured) loses coverage;
  • The date the dependent become covered under another group plan*;
  • The date the dependent marries*;
  • The date on which a premium due is not paid.

*A dependent who loses coverage and then regains eligibility by getting divorced, or losing other coverage may again apply for coverage. Thus, a dependent can go in and out of this continuation coverage as he or she loses coverage and then becomes eligible once again.

This extension coverage is to be paid for 100% by the dependent. 绿巨人视频 will not contribute to the cost of the dependent鈥檚 premium. The premium for the Young Adult Option will be billed by and shall be paid directly to Pace. As permitted by the law, Aetna will charge 100% of the single subscriber or employee rate for each dependent enrolled in the Young Adult Option.

Young Adult Option Premium Rates

Covered Parent鈥檚 Medical Plan (January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024)*

Individual Coverage: Consumer Core HDHP
Monthly Cost: $1,118.01

Individual Coverage: Network Core Plan
Monthly Cost: $1,404.91

Individual Coverage: Choice Plan
Monthly Cost: $1,599.11

*Rates do not include vision coverage. Newly-eligible Young Adult Option participants who are currently enrolled in medical/vision coverage under the active employee plan (and are interested in continuing vision coverage) must elect it through COBRA. Please contact the University Benefits office for further information.

Comparison of Young Adult and COBRA Monthly Rates January 1, 2024鈥揇ecember 31, 2024

Consumer Core HDHP Plan
Young Adult Rate
$1,118.01 per month

$4.31 Optional additional COBRA Vision per month (plus 2% Administrative Fee)

COBRA Rate (Including Vision Coverage and 2% Administration Fee)
$1,140.40 per month

Network Core Plan
Young Adult Rate
$1,404.91 per month

$4.31 Optional additional COBRA Vision per month (plus 2% Administrative Fee)

COBRA Rate (Including Vision Coverage and 2% Administration Fee)
$1,433.00 per month

Choice Plan
Young Adult Rate
$1,599.11 per month

$4.31 Optional additional COBRA Vision per month (plus 2% Administrative Fee)

COBRA Rate (Including Vision Coverage and 2% Administration Fee)
$1,631.09 per month