
Choate House on the 绿巨人视频Pleasantville campus

Part Time Faculty

Life Insurance

Adjuncts, who are subject to the Union of Adjunct Faculty (UAFP) Collective Bargaining Agreement and have taught at least three (3) credit hours during each of at least five (5) continuous academic years, including academic years prior to the execution of the CBA, and are in active status, may participate at no cost to the adjunct in life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance coverage based upon rank as follows:

RankAmount of Coverage
Associate Prof.$5,000
Assistant Prof.$4,000

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Long Term Care

绿巨人视频 offers a group Long Term Care plan. Some benefits of this group long term plan include:

  • Flexibility to purchase a plan that is tailored to best fit your needs and the needs of eligible members including spouses/domestic partners, parents, children, siblings and grandparents;
  • Convenient payment plan;
  • Convenient payroll deductions for employee and spousal coverage;
  • Full portability upon separation or retirement from 绿巨人视频.

This voluntary benefit is being offered by UnumProvident Life Insurance Company of America. Enrollment in the Long Term Care insurance program continues on a rolling basis. If you would like an enrollment package for the Long Term Care program at any time during the year, please visit the . In most cases, medical Evidence of Insurability (EOI) will be required by Unum and may impact the approval of your application for this benefit.

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Short Term Disability

The University provides part-time faculty members with Short-Term Disability insurance and coordinates with New York State disability in the event you are unable to perform the duties of your job because of illness, injury, or pregnancy. The University鈥檚 current Short-Term Disability carrier is New York Life.

Short-Term Disability begins on the eighth consecutive calendar day of absence, including weekends and holidays. Provided that your claim continues to be medically certified by your physician and New York Life benefits are payable for up to 26 weeks within a 52-week period. The current maximum payment amount is $170 per week.

**26 weeks within a 52-week period is the combined maximum duration of the following leaves: Short-Term Disability, New York Paid Family Leave, Workers鈥 Compensation disability leave.**

New York Life is responsible for administering claims, and for managing the medical case with a focus on expediting your successful and healthy return to work.

Reporting a Short Term Disability Claim

If possible, please contact the University Benefits office, on or before your first day of absence, to discuss the expected duration of your disability leave. In addition, please contact New York Life at 1 (888) 842-4462, to file a short-term disability claim. To ensure that your claim is processed in a timely manner, please contact New York Life no later than your seventh consecutive calendar day of absence. Please ensure that your department Chair or supervisor is notified as well.

Family and Medical Leave

Part-Time employees are generally not eligible for Family and Medical Leave. Employees are eligible if they have worked for 绿巨人视频 for at least one year, for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months, and if at least 50 employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles. If you believe that you are eligible for Family and Medical Leave, please contact the University Benefits office, at benefits@pace.edu, or (914) 923-2828, for verification. (If you are eligible for Family and Medical Leave, and a Short-Term Disability claim is medically certified, it will also count as time taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act.)

Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (PDF)

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New York State Paid Family Leave

**26 weeks within a 52-week period is the combined maximum duration of the following leaves: Short-Term Disability, New York Paid Family Leave, Workers鈥 Compensation disability leave.**

New York State Paid Family Leave (鈥淧FL鈥) provides eligible employees with wage replacement during time away from work to:

  1. Bond with the employee鈥檚 new child during the first 12 months after the child鈥檚 birth, or the first 12 months after the child鈥檚 placement for adoption or foster care with the employee.
  2. Provide care for a family member with a serious illness. The definition of family member includes a biological or legal relationship and in 鈥渓oco parentis鈥 in definitions of child and parent. These include:
    • spouse/domestic partner
    • child (no age limit)
    • parent and parent-in-law
    • siblings (including biological siblings, adopted siblings, stepsiblings and half-siblings)
    • grandparent of employee
    • grandchild (child of employee鈥檚 child)
  3. Participate in 鈥渜ualifying exigencies鈥 as defined in federal Family and Medical Leave Act due to a spouse, domestic partner, child, or parent鈥檚 active duty military service or notice of a call or order to active duty. Qualifying exigencies include:
    • attending certain military events
    • arranging for alternative childcare
    • caring for a military member鈥檚 parent who is incapable of self-care when the care is necessitated by the member鈥檚 covered active duty
    • addressing certain financial and legal arrangements
    • attending certain counseling sessions
    • attending post-deployment reintegration briefings

PFL may be taken on a continuous or intermittent basis (in full-day increments only).

If an eligible employee experiences an event that qualifies for leave under both Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) and New York Paid Family Leave (PFL), both leaves will run concurrently.

PFL does not apply to an employee鈥檚 own serious health condition.

Benefit payments for PFL will be initiated by New York Life and sent directly to the employee.

New York Paid Family Leave Claim Reporting Brochure 鈥 New York Life (PDF)

Employee Benefits on PFL

Employees on PFL who participate in the Pace鈥檚 health insurance plan are entitled to continue health benefits on the same basis as if actively working. Employees, however, must continue to pay their portion of the premium cost while on PFL in order to maintain uninterrupted health insurance coverage. Premium payments must be sent to 绿巨人视频, University Benefits, 100 Summit Lake Drive, 3rd Floor, Valhalla, NY 10595.

All other benefits will cease during periods of continuous PFL, during which the employee is not receiving salary continuation through the University.

Vacation days do not continue to accrue during continuous periods of leave, which are unpaid by the University.

PFL Benefit Amount and Payment Schedule

In 2024 the PFL benefit is 67% of the employee鈥檚 Average Weekly Wage, not to exceed 67% of the New York State Average Weekly Wage, for a maximum of 12 weeks. The New York State Average Weekly Wage in 2024 is $1,718.15. As such, 67% will be a maximum of $1,151.16 per week.

Employee Contributions

Beginning January 1, 2024, the NY PFL rate will be reduced to 0.373% of gross wages per pay period. This means that an employee's 2024 annual deduction will not exceed $333.25.

For a newly hired employee, the deduction will begin immediately with his or her first paycheck.


  • Full-time employees: If an employee works a regular work schedule of 20 or more hours per week, he or she is eligible to apply for PFL after 26 consecutive weeks of employment.
  • Part-time employees: If an employee works a regular work schedule of less than 20 hours per week, he or she is eligible to apply for PFL after working 175 days (actual work days regardless of number of hours worked per day).

This policy does not apply to students, independent contractors, consultants, and other non-employees.

Waiving PFL Coverage

An employee can only opt out of Paid Family Leave if he or she does not expect to work for the minimum amount of time required for eligibility. If an employee meets this criteria and wishes to opt out, he or she may do so by completing a PFL waiver (PDF). A waiver of family leave benefits may be filed when:

  • An employee鈥檚 schedule is 20 hours or more per week, but he or she will not work 26 consecutive weeks; or
  • An employee鈥檚 schedule is less than 20 hours per week and he or she will not work 175 days in a 52 consecutive week period.

The PFL Waiver form must be returned to the University Benefits office.

Please note that if an employee waives coverage:

  • The deduction will cease on the first payroll following receipt of the PFL Waiver form. Deductions already processed will not be refunded.
  • And subsequently becomes eligible for New York PFL, he or she will be subject to retroactive premium payments from January 1st of the calendar year in which he or she became eligible.

How to File a Claim

Employees must provide at least 30 days advance notice to the University Benefits office, when possible.

Please contact New York Life at 1 (888) 842-4462, to file a PFL claim telephonically. You can also view the New York Life reporting brochure (PDF) for more information.

In addition, please contact the University Benefits office, at (914) 923-2828 or at benefits@pace.edu, so that we can ensure that your claim is handled appropriately.

Please access the site for further information.

You may also access 绿巨人视频's New York State Paid Family Leave policy (PDF).

Workers Compensation

**26 weeks within a 52-week period is the combined maximum duration of the following leaves: Short-Term Disability, New York Paid Family Leave, Workers鈥 Compensation disability leave.**

Workers' Compensation is insurance that provides cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a result of their job.

绿巨人视频 contributes fully towards this benefit. Weekly cash benefits and medical care are paid by Pace鈥檚 University鈥檚 insurance carrier, State Insurance Fund, as directed by the New York State Workers鈥 Compensation Board. The Workers鈥 Compensation Board is a state agency that processes the claims and determines, through a judicial proceeding, whether the claim is justified and how much will be awarded.

It is important that you or someone acting on your behalf report any injury on the job within 24 hours to your campus Security Office. Notify the University Benefits Office as well of the incident. It is equally important that your supervisor or department chair be advised of the incident. Responsibility for claiming compensation is on the injured employee. All incidents are to be reported to the Security Office no matter how minor they appear to be. The Security Office then must immediately complete an Incident Report and investigate the incident. The University can refuse to compensate an employee if the incident is not reported in a timely manner.

In addition, injured employees should seek outside medical attention for work related injuries or illnesses. Worker's Compensation claims can be denied if an injured employee is not diagnosed/treated by a physician that is Board Certified.

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