


In the Media

In the Media

In the Media

Westfair Communications

An avid reader and world traveler, Steffen Pedersen has worked his entire legal career as a maritime lawyer in international law firms. Currently, he is working as a maritime arbitrator with a keen interest in deep sea mining. He is also a frequently published author and panelist on the topic of international arbitration and mediation, with a focus on East and South-East Asia. Steffen decided to pursue his LLM in Comparative Law at Haub Law to open the door to more opportunities in the United States in his career as an international arbitrator.聽

June 30, 2024

Dr. Miguel Mosteiro, Associate Professor at Seidenberg, successfully presented two of his experimental research papers at the 2024 NETYS (The International Conference on Networked Systems) conference.

June 29, 2024
In the Media

The order 鈥嬧減romised to bring about significant changes in Westchester County鈥檚 historic failure to provide affordable housing. We and groups around it were hopeful, excited,鈥 says Bennett Gershman, a聽绿巨人视频 law professor who tracked the county鈥檚 progress on the settlement. 鈥嬧淭he words that come to mind now are 鈥嬧榮low,鈥 鈥嬧榝rustrating,鈥 鈥嬧榝oot dragging.鈥 Yes, there鈥檚 been progress, but it鈥檚 been halting,聽sluggish.鈥

June 28, 2024
In These Times
In the Media

Under Horace E. Anderson Jr., 绿巨人视频鈥檚 Elisabeth Haub School of Law has increased its enrollment, donations, full-time faculty and partnerships with leading universities worldwide. Anderson, an intellectual property and technology law specialist who joined the faculty in 2004, recently established the Sustainable Business Law Hub, a research incubator devoted to global sustainability. The school now boasts the nation鈥檚 top-ranked environmental law program, according to U.S. News & World Report. Anderson also strengthened social justice and community ties through the new 绿巨人视频Access to Justice Project.

June 28, 2024
City & State
In the Media

"His rise to stardom (particularly post-NSYNC) ripened from celebrity women like Britney Spears and Janet Jackson and illustrated how gender, misogyny, race and white male privilege operated in the entertainment industry," says Melvin Williams, associate professor of communication and media studies at 绿巨人视频.

June 28, 2024
In the Media

Someone who reads a false, AI-generated statement, doesn鈥檛 confirm it, and widely shares that information does bear responsibility and could be sued under current libel standards, Leslie Garfield Tenzer, a professor at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at 绿巨人视频, told me.

June 28, 2024
The Atlantic
In the Media

The takeaway, according to Myo Jung Cho, a professor of accounting at 绿巨人视频鈥檚 Lubin School of Business and the paper鈥檚 other co-author, is that rather than convey a company鈥檚 virtue, trust words may instead act as a red flag, highlighting potential pitfalls for investors and regulations.

June 28, 2024
Wall Street Journal
Press Release

Together with members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, Westchester County Executive George Latimer signed the Safety Measures for Survivors of Domestic Violence Act. The Act is part of an ongoing effort to protect victims and survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. In part, the Act will provide free lock changes and the installation of a video doorbell at a domestic violence survivor鈥檚 home.

June 28, 2024
Press Release

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at 绿巨人视频 is proud to announce that Dean Horace E. Anderson Jr. was named to the 鈥2024 Trailblazers in Education鈥 list published by City & State New York magazine. The list recognizes 鈥100 professionals who are keeping New York at the fast-paced forefront of higher education" and includes presidents, professors and provosts, lobbyists, lawyers, nonprofit entrepreneurs, advocates, and others who are shaping the future of education.

June 26, 2024
Research and Scholarship

绿巨人视频| Haub Environmental Law Professor Katrina Fischer Kuh co-authored a chapter in a book released today from MIT Press, Democracy in a Hotter Time: Climate Change and Democratic Transformation, edited by David Orr.

June 25, 2024