Student exploring his surroundings while studying abroad.

Contact Us

The Education Abroad Department is a fully staffed department within the International Programs division at Pace. Our office is working partially remotely, so please reach out to us to make an appointment if you want to schedule a face-to-face advising appointment!

All inquiries - studyabroad@pace.edu

New York City Office
163 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 346-1368

Pleasantville Office
861 Bedford Rd
Kessel 212
Pleasantville, NY 10570

Jennifer Ley
Email: jley@pace.edu

Rebecca Slotkin
Associate Director
Email: rslotkin@pace.edu

Liz Hathaway
Senior Study Abroad Advisor
Email: lhathaway@pace.edu

Mia Mitchell
Study Abroad Assistant
Email: mmitchell@pace.edu

Neil Van Cott
Study Abroad Assistant
Email: nvancott@pace.edu

Lisa Baxter
Study Abroad Assistant
Email: lbaxter@pace.edu

Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵStudent Peer Advisors: Academic Year 2023-2024

Our office is also staffed by Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵstudents who we call "Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵAbroad Leaders" (PALs). PALs help to answer general questions about Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵstudy abroad programs. All PALs are returned study abroad students who are eager to share their experiences with you! They also participate in presentations to various students at Pace, sharing the student perspective about study abroad.

Chloe Hudelot
Chloe's abroad journey is happening right now as she's in New York for her Senior year. She's a transfer student from CEFAM, a French-American business school in Lyon, France. She is passionately pursuing a major in Hospitality and Tourism Management. Born in the picturesque town of Annecy in the French Alps, she has diverse origins including Greece and Madagascar. Her international experience includes sailing adventures across four continents with her family and freediving. Last year, she completed a 6-month internship in real estate marketing in scenic Lake Tahoe. Through these experiences, she's gained a deep appreciation and enjoyment for varied cultures and inclusion.

Mariana Rojas
Mariana is a Sophomore at Pace, majoring in Sociology/Anthropology with a minor in Environmental Studies. Her background as a first-generation Colombian-American has created in her a prominent interest in learning about new cultures. She participated in the First Year Experience London program, studying abroad in London during her first semester of Freshman year. Not content with only going abroad to England, she is looking to study abroad in Tokyo, Japan, during her Junior year. She is also a Jeanette K. Watson fellow with the Watson Foundation, fully funded for 3 summers to work with organizations both in New York City and abroad. Next summer she hopes to be partnered with an organization in Latin America working with small farmers and indigenous groups with a focus on sustainability and agroecology.

Meredith Finkbeiner
Meredith is a Senior at Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵPleasantville, majoring in political science and minoring in history. Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, she loves to travel and experience different cultures. Meredith studied abroad in Norway in Spring 2023 at the American College of Norway. She has traveled internationally many times before — to Mexico, Greece, Italy, the Bahamas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Norway, and Sweden. While studying abroad, Meredith traveled to Strömstad (Sweden) and Bergen and Oslo (Norway). Meredith’s favorite part about being abroad was meeting new people, exploring museums, learning the language, and experiencing what locals do on an everyday basis.