
Group of students walking out of a residential hall on the NYC campus.

A Message From the Associate Vice President for Safety and Emergency Management

As Associate Vice President for Safety and Emergency Management, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to ̾Ƶ and briefly describe how we work to provide a safe and secure campus environment.

The primary mission of the Safety and Security department is to ensure the safety and security of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the University. The Safety and Security department provides a 24 hours a day, 365 day per year security presence on our New York and Westchester campuses. We employ a professional in-house security staff with years of law enforcement experience, as well as a top-notch uniform security guard company. There is a supervisor on duty at all times in addition to fixed and patrol assignments.

In addition, our residence halls, academic buildings, facilities and general campus are monitored via closed circuit cameras, intrusion alarm, card access readers and emergency call boxes.

We utilize an emergency notification system to deliver time-sensitive emergency notifications via telephone, email and text messaging.

Information regarding additional Safety and Security services, parking details and crime prevention are available via the links on this website.

Once again, welcome to Pace!

Brian Anderson
Associate Vice President for Safety and Emergency Management
Phone (Pleasantville): (914) 773-3700
Phone (New York City): (212) 346-1800
Email: banderson@pace.edu

Safety and Security Department


The mission of the Safety and Security Department is to ensure the safety and security of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors to ̾Ƶ by maintaining a safe campus environment. Protection of ̾Ƶ property as well as personal property of other’s and enforcing rules and regulations are important but secondary to the primary mission.

Emergency Management Department


The Department of Emergency Management and Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for the coordination of emergency response and continuity planning. The safety and security of the ̾Ƶcommunity is a top priority. Our goal is to reduce ̾Ƶ’s vulnerability to hazards and to build resiliency to disasters. We seek to promote resiliency to disasters through emphasis on preparedness trainings, awareness programs, and effective plans. The Department of Emergency Management and Environmental Health and Safety fosters a culture of partnerships with internal and external communities to improve capabilities to successfully respond to emergencies and disasters.


The mission of the Department of Emergency Management and Environmental Health and Safety is to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover from any major emergencies or disasters through a comprehensive, progressive, risk-based all hazards approach. We seek to protect the ̾Ƶ community by integrating leadership and support necessary to build a resilient ̾Ƶand enhance our capabilities to protect property and save lives.


  • Provide emergency management oversight, coordination, and situation awareness to a broad and diverse group of University partners.
  • Employ an integrated all-hazards risk based approach for mitigation, response, continuity of operations, recovery, and preparedness planning.
  • Create a “culture of preparedness” among the students, faculty and staff by improving awareness and comprehension of what to do before, during, and after major emergency and disaster incidents.
  • Develop and implement strategies to achieve enhanced emergency communications capabilities.