
Five 绿巨人视频students walking through a park at night.

Transfer Student Experience

Welcome to The Office of The Transfer Student Experience (TSE) at 绿巨人视频! The Office of The Transfer Student Experience is here to assist all transfer students make a successful transition from a prior institution to 绿巨人视频. TSE implements and develops services and programs that promote the successful onboarding and engagement of all transfer students. Remember, it鈥檚 not where you start, but where you finish!

Transfer Timeline

  • Welcome to Pace! What鈥檚 Next?

    Congratulations! Orientation is where your journey at 绿巨人视频begins, even before the semester starts, so be sure to register for Transfer Orientation, as soon as you receive your acceptance information. We understand you may have attended an Orientation at your prior institution, but it is still important to attend Transfer Orientation at Pace.

    At Transfer Orientation, you will have an opportunity to meet with academic advisors, review your first semester schedule, participate in small and large group sessions with fellow new students, and learn more about the University.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Prepare For Your First Semester As a Transfer Student

    Below is some information to consider as you prepare for your first semester at Pace.

    First Semester Schedule

    Your schedule will be based on your major, your placement test results (if needed), and your Transfer Credit Evaluation which consists of the credits you earned and their 绿巨人视频equivalencies. If there are any adjustments to your schedule needed after Transfer Orientation, please make sure to contact your Academic Advisor.

    You can access your 绿巨人视频schedule through with your standard 绿巨人视频login and password. Sometimes, classroom assignments or professors for courses can change or can be listed as 'To Be Determined', so it is recommended you double check your schedule online just before the beginning of the semester to confirm all critical information.

    Purchasing College Textbooks

    The first step to purchasing textbooks is to understand which books are required for your courses. You can do this online at by entering the Course Registration Number (CRN) associated with your course, which can be found on your schedule.

    In the course schedule each semester, there are courses that are identified as having textbooks (or other instructional materials) that are free of cost or under $50 for the entire semester 鈥淟ow-Cost/No-Cost Textbooks.鈥 Students and Advisors can both search for these.

    Options to save money on textbooks include buying used books instead of new, but always make sure the used book is the correct edition requested by your professor. You can also go online and do a quick search for other websites that rent and sell used/new college textbooks. However, when buying a textbook online, please account for shipping time and the start of classes. You would not want to fall behind on any assignments or reading because you are waiting to receive your textbook in the mail.

    Living In The Residence Halls

    If you decide to live on the 绿巨人视频campus and become part of our Residence Life Community, you will be living with one or two other roommates. You may have lived with roommates at your prior school, but every new roommate situation is different.

    We suggest that once you know whom you will be rooming with, to connect with those individuals through 绿巨人视频email, social media, etc. This will allow you to get to know them prior to your arrival on campus. Sometimes, students begin to coordinate on what each will contribute to the room (ie. TV, rugs, etc). It is also an opportunity to get a sense of what your roommate鈥檚 expectations are, and your own. Remember, this is a good time to examine your social media and make any necessary adjustments if how you represent yourself could be misinterpreted by your new roommate.

    In addition to connecting with your roommate, you will also have access to your Resident Assistant (RA), who will explain everything you need to know about living in the Residence Halls. Your RA will be the point person for all housing related concerns. They are also a great resource for learning about opportunities to get involved and connect with students on your floor and in your building. In addition, your RA will provide information about Residence Life events and how to receive 鈥渉ousing points鈥 for participating in select events, which can be used toward raffles, prizes and more!

    In addition to connecting with your roommate and utilizing your RA as a resource, you will also have a Residence Director (RD) located in your hall. Your RD can address any major concerns or questions you have and can clarify any housing policies and procedures. For more information, check out the housing website.

    Your First Semester Bill And Financial Aid

    The Financial Aid office is here to assist you through the process of filing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submitting your tuition fees on time. Taking out loans, parent plus loans, and accepting your financial aid package all include specific steps you need to follow. You have to make sure you sign off and accept your package online, as well as making sure you understand where and how your financial aid will be applied.

    Work-study is another opportunity you may qualify for, and if offered, it will be part of your financial aid package. However, securing a work-study position is not always guaranteed. You will need to seek out and apply to an on-campus position on your own. It is expected that the money you earn from your work-study position will be used toward cost of attendance. Feel free to browse the .

    Request Accommodations If Needed

    Student Accessibility Services (SAS) can assist you in your transition to 绿巨人视频if you require additional assistance or had specific accommodations at your prior school. Please contact SAS directly to address your concerns before the semester starts, allowing for a smoother transition.

  • Your First Six Weeks

    Your first semester at 绿巨人视频should be exciting and enjoyable, but it may also be scary and overwhelming. As you might be aware from your prior experience as a college student, part of the adjustment process is being accountable for balancing your school work, social life and outside commitments. Moreover, you will need to adapt to the new culture, policies, and procedures here at Pace.

    Tips To Help During The First Six Weeks

    • Make sure you take care of any schedule changes during the add/drop period (the first two weeks of school).
    • Talk with your Academic Advisor early in the semester, and in particular, if you feel you need to withdraw from a course (this is required!).
    • Attend as many events as possible!
    • Take care of any outstanding financial balances, immunization paperwork, meal plan adjustments, housing concerns, etc. as early as possible.
    • Start checking your 绿巨人视频email right away- this is essential! In addition, you have the ability to forward your 绿巨人视频emails to your personal email. Every office at 绿巨人视频uses email for distributing important information 鈥 but it will only be sent to your 绿巨人视频email.
    • Give yourself time to adjust, keep an open mind, and say "yes" to invites or events on campus in order to expand your network and meet new people.
    • Work closely with your Academic and/or Faculty Advisor to plan coursework that meets your career and transfer goals, as well as to create a customized 绿巨人视频Path Plan for achieving these goals.
    • Review your Transfer Credit Evaluation with an Academic Advisor and how this will impact courses for the next semester. Make sure you have received a completed and final Transfer Credit Evaluation.
    • Investigate program-related clubs and activities that will allow you to gain experience and build your resume. Consider getting involved!
    • Make sure to rollover effective study habits you adopted in your prior school. Arrive on time and attend class regularly. Review assigned readings and notes before each class. Don't procrastinate ~ complete assignments in advance, if possible. Develop a timeline for larger projects to avoid last-minute, all-night homework sessions. Lastly, allow ample study or writing time before taking an exam or completing an essay.
  • Mid-Semester Experiences


    Most likely, you experienced midterms at the school you attended prior to Pace. Similarly, we use the term 鈥渕idterms鈥 at 绿巨人视频for the time about 6 weeks into the semester when most classes start to give exams or major papers are due. There isn鈥檛 an official midterm period, but you can expect to be studying a lot and might feel a bit overwhelmed around that time. While we want you to work hard, study, and take this important time seriously, we don鈥檛 want you feeling overly stressed or anxious. By being accountable for your own actions and remaining self-aware, you can help reduce those negative feelings.

    During this time, we recommend you take advantage of our Learning Common. The Learning Commons that offers tutoring services in multiple subject areas.

    In addition, we encourage you to utilize the Library, which has numerous places to study and complete coursework.

    Midterm period is also an important time to evaluate how you are doing in your courses. If you are receiving grades from papers and exams, they can give you a better sense of where you stand academically and what opportunities you have left to improve or maintain your current grades. Exams, quizzes, papers, class participation and attendance are all considered opportunities for success and improvement.

    Stay Healthy

    Staying healthy, which includes sleeping well, eating well, and getting enough physical and mental rest, is very important to your success. As a student at Pace, there are opportunities to get involved, go out and engage in social activities, but there is also a need for balance. In order to stay on track and remain healthy, sleep is critical, - just don鈥檛 oversleep for class!

    Also, not only is it important to stay physically healthy, but it is essential to stay mentally healthy, as well. 绿巨人视频is committed to Wellness. Visit the Wellness website for more information. Also, the Counseling Center has an abundance of resources and services.

  • Semester Wrap-Up/Winter Break


    As the semester comes to a close, you will be working on papers, projects and studying for final exams. At this point, you should have your next semester schedule set, understand what final work you need to complete, and also begin reflecting on and thinking about what your remaining time at 绿巨人视频will look like.

    Your first semester at 绿巨人视频will pass in the blink of an eye, so make sure you are keeping up with your work as finals approach. Finals week can be stressful with multiple projects or exams due on the same day, so managing your time, and setting deadlines for yourself will be very important.

    The Learning Commons also offers review sessions in various subjects. It is recommended to form study groups with peers as a way to review course material and stay alert. Completing your work is important, but quality and good performance also matter. Feel free to talk to your Academic Advisor for further advice and recommendations about how to prepare and manage the stress of finals.

    Your Next Semester Schedule And Grades

    Usually, within a few weeks of the semester ending, most of your final grades are available to view online in 绿巨人视频portal. Once all grades are in, you will have a cumulative GPA based on a 0-4.0 scale. Maintaining at least a 2.0 is essential at 绿巨人视频not only for academic success but to ensure your financial package (including scholarships), remain intact. This is called 鈥淕ood Academic Standing鈥. Reviewing your grades will also allow you to make appropriate adjustments to your next semester schedule, if in fact there is a course you need to retake or drop.

    You can also modify your schedule over the break. Perhaps there was a course you were hoping to get into but it was closed and now open, or you decide to change your major or explore a different subject. You can adjust your schedule directly on the portal. However, you should consult with your Academic Advisor before you make changes to your schedule.

    Intersession courses

    Another option to consider as you finish up your first semester at 绿巨人视频is to take summer or winter session courses. This is a great way to earn credits in a relatively quick amount of time and catch up on classes.

  • Your Second Semester At Pace

    Back To Class

    Just like the first semester, during the first two weeks of the spring semester is our add/drop period in which you can add/drop courses. At this point, you should have looked at your first semester grades, but if you have not, make sure to do so and adjust your schedule in consultation with your Academic Advisor if needed.

    Honor Societies, 绿巨人视频Clubs & Organizations

    Once you are more comfortable at balancing schoolwork and social life, your second semester is a great time to get involved in a 绿巨人视频club or organization. While you might want to choose a club to join that is related to your major, you can join anything you think is interesting or fun! It鈥檚 a great way to participate in the 绿巨人视频community, and meet other students with similar interests. Later on, clubs and organizations also provide great opportunities for networking as you look for internships and jobs. We recommend to join at least one club or student organization on campus- even if that means stepping outside of your comfort zone a bit.

    Working hard pays off! If you qualify based on your GPA after the first semester, you may be invited to join a National Honor Society. These are national organizations that have chapters all over the United States. It is a great credential for your resume and allows you to join a group of students at the University who have also been successful academically. Often, students in these organizations apply and participate as executive board members in which they can hold a student leadership position, and organize and structure activities and involvement for the Honor Society. Accepting membership into an Honor Society is a great way to build leadership skills and take an active role on campus.

    Academic Probation

    As mentioned earlier, checking your grades from your first semester is important in order to understand where you stand academically. 绿巨人视频requires students to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, which is equivalent to an average grade of C. You must maintain this average, and if you fall below it, you are considered to be on academic probation, which can cause implications. You can lose your financial aid package, including scholarships, or potentially be dismissed from the University. For further information about Academic Probation, refer to our Academic Advising website. The Academic Advisors at 绿巨人视频are very willing to work with you and provide additional guidance on how to get back on track for your second semester.

Transfer Advising

  • Academic Advising is meant to provide guidance, assistance, advice and a clear understanding on your academic courses, degree requirements, major, class registration, etc. You鈥檙e not in this process alone 鈥 your Academic Advisor is here to help! Besides helping you make appropriate course selections when you register for the spring and fall semesters, your advisor is there to:

    • Help you identify campus resources that can help you deal with academic or personal difficulties
    • Discuss how to address academic difficulties if your professors have expressed concern for your progress in the academic alert process, or if you have been placed on probation
    • Help you develop problem-solving skills, exercise independent judgment, and assume responsibility for your own academic success

    It will also be your advisor鈥檚 objective to make sure that you feel more comfortable with:

    • Appreciating the value of liberal learning
    • Incorporating self-reflection into your higher education
    • Registering for classes that best meet your curricular and intellectual needs
    • Planning not just for semester classes, but four year planning
  • Your Academic Advisor is based on your School. Take the opportunity to form a relationship with your Advisor. Your Advisor is also instrumental in helping you understand your Transfer Credit Evaluation and how to apply your earned credits toward your curriculum.

    To find out who your Advisor is:

    • Log into your 绿巨人视频Portal and go to the Student Records Link, Click View Student Information, Select the Current Semester, Click Submit. This will open up the information screen which will contain your Primary Advisor Information.
    • Consult Degree Works in Portal
    • Use your Success Network in OnTrack
    • If you are still unsure who your advisor is, email Whoismyadvisor@pace.edu

    Select your school to be directed to your Advisor's Contact Information:

  • To make an appointment with an Advisor, email, call, or drop by during their office hours to schedule an individual appointment. In your email, it is helpful to include your availability, your UID, and your Major/Minor, along with any other information you might feel is helpful.

    Many Advisors use OnTrack to schedule advisement appointments. View instructions on navigating OnTrack (PDF) and accessing your "My Success Network".

    Registration for the fall takes place in the middle of November, and for the spring, the middle of April. Therefore, we recommend reaching out to your Advisor a few weeks in advance to secure an appointment on their calendar.

  • The path to choosing a major can be different for everyone; for some, the answers will become clear within a short period of time, while for others, it will take longer to investigate and take the needed steps to finalize this decision. In any case, Advisors in the Advising Center for Exploring Majors are available to help students throughout this personal journey.

    The mission of the Advising Center for Exploring Majors is to help undecided students explore their interests, skills and goals so that they can make an informed choice of major at 绿巨人视频. Committed to holistic advising, the Center serves as the primary academic advising office for students who are undeclared or changing majors, assisting with advising issues that will help them make a successful transition to the colleges and schools of the University. Through individual advisement sessions and self-assessments aimed at fostering greater self-understanding of personal, academic, and professional goals, the Center helps these students move purposively toward graduation.

    It is highly recommended that you have a major in mind by the time you have earned 64 credits.

  • Speak with your Advisor about changing your major or if you want to declare and are currently undecided. You will then need to fill out a Change of Major form from the Registrar's Office.

    Your Advisor will then need to sign off on the form, in addition to a representative from the Dept. of the major you would like to declare. Turn this form into the Office of the Registrar and check your Portal to make sure the change is reflected.

  • Before registering, you need to make sure you are prepared:

    • Review Core and Major Requirements (refer to the worksheets and handouts on your school website or ask your Advisor for a copy)
    • Draft a preliminary schedule on a blank schedule grid (DOCX) using the to locate each course name, CRN, day and time
    • Meet with your Advisor!
    • Take care of any outstanding Holds on your student account (see below)
    • Know your Registration date; your date and time will be posted on your Portal

    Possible Holds that will prevent you from registering on time:

    • *School Based - Academic: Haven't met with an advisor
    • Library: Owe library material and/or overdue fees
    • Registrar: Tuition has not been paid in full
    • Final Transcript: Final Transcript/Grades from prior institution has not been sent
    • MMR Immunization: Immunization records have not been sent
    • Housing Discipline: Unresolved housing discipline situation

    *Depending on your School, you may have a school based hold on your account that will not let you register until you have met with an Academic Advisor. If this is the case, only your Academic Advisor can release the hold once you have met for an advisement appointment.

    Registration dates for Fall, Spring and Summer differ, so make sure to know these dates in advance of registration.

    We also have a Registration Guide (PDF) for further directions on how to register.

  • A student is placed on academic probation each semester that his or her overall GPA drops below 2.0. Students are taken off probation when they raise their CGPA above 2.0. Please consult with your Advisor if you are on Academic Probation, as each school has its own probation policies.

    Keep the following in mind to prevent yourself from ending up on probation:

    • Poor study habits: When you have poor grades in all or in a number of courses, it is not always just your ability to do the work, but possibly your motivation, self-discipline and time management.
    • Ability: When you have performed poorly in courses that require certain skills, go to the Learning Commons or the office hours of your professor. Motivation or study habits might not be the issue as much as aptitude.
    • Adjustment: Doing poorly due to trouble adjusting to a new environment. This may or may not persist - so talk to an advisor or make an appointment with the Counseling Center.
    • Employment: We understand that students may not only go to college, but work too. However, working too many hours is counterproductive. You lose far more than you gain, both economically and educationally. If it鈥檚 not possible for you to reduce the number of hours/weeks you work, explore the possibility of reducing the number of courses/credits you take, but keeping in mind financial aid will be affected if you switch to part-time (below 12 credits).
    • Choice of major: Sometimes, a major is selected due to wrong information, parental pressure, and pressure to select a major, or any variety of reasons that do not reflect a mature and self-aware choice. Sometimes, poor performance may be tied to doubt about your major choice or pressure you feel to pursue something that does not interest or suit you. Contact the Advising Center for Exploring Majors about your choices and Pace's Exploring Majors and Careers course to help you further in your decision.