Professor Scharff working with students.

Write Club

If you’re looking for a dedicated time to focus on your writing projects this summer, consider joining the Faculty Center’s Write Club!

Why join Write Club?

  • Boost Your Productivity: Dedicate an hour and a half each week to writing or writing-related tasks, providing the momentum needed to overcome creative hurdles and produce consistent work.
    Personal Accountability: Hold yourself accountable to your writing goals within a supportive group setting, fostering a sense of commitment and progress.
    Support of a Writing Community: Benefit from the encouragement and camaraderie of individuals from various backgrounds and roles within the institution who are all committed to writing and professional growth

Write Club welcomes participants from all parts of the Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵcommunity, including full-time faculty, part-time faculty, staff, or any variation thereof. Here’s how the hour and a half is structured: the first and last five minutes will be allocated for brief discussions, with the remainder dedicated to focused writing time. We understand that occasional absences may occur and encourage you to join if you believe that you will be able to join most sessions.

Date: Thursdays, May 23–August 29, 2024
Time: 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Facilitators: Anna Beskin, PhD (Director, Faculty Center; Adjunct Professor, English Department)
Location: Zoom

If you can’t participate in Write Club due to a scheduling conflict but would still like to join a writing group, please email Anna Beskin and we’ll connect you with others who may also be interested in forming a group at an alternate time.

Happy writing and happy summer!