Faculty member working with students in a lab.

Faculty Career Development

The Faculty Center supports faculty as they go through many career milestones, including:

Tenure and Promotion

The Faculty Center supports faculty as they apply for tenure and/or promotion. This review is managed on Interfolio. The Provost’s Office holds a Tenure and/or Promotion (TAP) Information Session every year. This year, it is on Tuesday, December 13 at 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. via Zoom. The information session will address the TAP 2023-2024 Timeline, TAP guidelines and the TAP Process, and will have a panel of Deans, CDFPT, and TAP committee members.

This session is for faculty applying for tenure and/or promotion during the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic years. (Other faculty are welcome to attend, but the session won’t be addressing other type of reviews.)

The Tenure and Promotion committees review dossiers on Interfolio. Paper dossiers are no longer allowed. Guidelines for dossier preparation can be found on the Provost’s webpage. If you are planning to go up for Tenure and/or Promotion, send your Letter of Intent to interfolio@pace.edu. If you need assistance formatting your dossier, please contact Ally Kimmel at akimmel@pace.edu or (212) 346-1471.

Refer to the Timetable of Procedures for Tenure and Promotion page.

Interfolio is a platform Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵ uses for many types of reviews, including Tenure and/or Promotion (TAP).

Markers of Excellence

Tenure and promotion are significant transitions in a faculty member’s career. It is critical that the accomplishments of a candidate be properly described in the tenure and promotion dossier. A well-prepared dossier is very helpful to dossier evaluators in order to make informed tenure and promotion decisions. These guidelines are intended to help faculty, chairs, and deans get a clear idea of their roles and responsibilities for the preparation of tenure and/or promotion dossiers. They describe the evaluation process and clarify general university-level expectations. These expectations are interpreted in each school and department using the markers of excellence. (These Markers of Excellence can be obtained by contacting Department Chair or School Dean.)