Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵ students walking side by side

Career Skills Development Series

2-day weekend Intensive Courses

Courses are fully in-person at the Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵcampuses in New York City or Westchester (Pleasantville)

Courses are conveniently scheduled on Saturday and Sunday over one weekend. Please be sure to check the specific campus each course is offered at in the course description and registration area.

Students must have a minimum B1 level of English to participate in the Career Skills Development Series courses.

Digital Badges

All Career Skills Development Series courses are eligible for one or more digital badges. Representing your skills as a badge allows you to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real time. Badges provide employers and peers proof of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Each badge earned is a chance to digitally share and celebrate an accomplishment with your network.

Learn More About Digital Badges

Fall 2024 Semester: Upcoming Courses

New Approaches to Digital Marketing and Social Media

Explore social media in new strategic ways by learning how the evolving role of digital marketing and online content is influencing how people connect via the Internet and mobile devices. Classes involve active discussion and group activities.

Date: September 21–22, 2024
Campus: Pleasantville

Read More About the New Approaches to Digital Marketing and Social Media Course

*Price, dates and class formats are subject to change without notice.
**Course subject may change without notice.

Customer Service: Communicating Effectively with Customers

During this course, we will dive deep into the world of customer service, learning the necessary skills to provide excellent service to customers in a variety of industries.

Date: October 5–6, 2024
Campus: New York City

Read More About the Customer Service Course

*Price, dates and class formats are subject to change without notice.
**Course subject may change without notice.

Consumer Behavior & Marketing

In this course, we will explore the underlying mechanisms that share behavior, linking experimental psychology, sociology, and marketing.

Date: October 26–27, 2024
Campus: Pleasantville

Read More About the Consumer Behavior & Marketing Course

*Price, dates and class formats are subject to change without notice.
**Course subject may change without notice.

Leadership Workshop: Unlock Your Inner Leader

In this practical, interactive, and highly motivating course, you will explore the qualities of a good leader and core proficiencies every leader should demonstrate.

Date: November 16–17, 2024
Campus: New York City

Read More About the Leadership Workshop Course

*Price, dates and class formats are subject to change without notice.
**Course subject may change without notice.

Child Development & Psychology

This course provides an introduction into to the discipline of child psychology, and to selected theories, approaches, and practices to help understand and support children’s lives.

Date: December 7–8, 2024
Campus: Pleasantville

Read More About the Child Development & Psychology Course

*Price, dates and class formats are subject to change without notice.
**Course subject may change without notice.

Additional Courses

Below are previous Career Skills Development courses. These courses may be available in future sessions. to be notified when registration for these classes is available.


  • Gain skills and knowledge that will help you in your career
  • 20–40 hours
  • Earn a digital badge for completing a series of 3 or more courses
  • Digital certificate of completion
  • Minimum B1 level of English
  • Full Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵ campus and facilities access for duration of course
  • Free parking at the Westchester campus
  • Professional faculty
  • Academic advisement
  • No registration or test fee

Contact Us

For more information, please contact the English Language Institute. You may also to campus or an .

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