Collage of images from the WIlson Center at Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵ

Potential Journals for Publication

Below is an incomplete list of journals publishing research related to the fields of social innovation. Those fields include but are not limited to research related to social entrepreneurship, nonprofits, non-governmental organizations, innovations in healthcare, technology for social change, food insecurity, digital literacy, or in cause-related marketing, microfinance, impact investing, social finance, corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Related Academic Journals

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Accounting, Organizations and Society
  • Administration & Society
  • Administrative Theory & Praxis
  • American Review of Public Administration
  • Entrepreneurship Research Journal
  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
  • International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development
  • International Journal of Management Education
  • International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing
  • International Journal of Public Administration
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of Business and Society Review
  • Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Journal for Nonprofit Management
  • Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
  • Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership
  • Journal of Policy Analysis & Management
  • Journal of Political Economy
  • Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
  • Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
  • Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
  • Nonprofit Management and Leadership
  • Nonprofit Policy Forum
  • Public Administration Review
  • Small Business Economics
  • Social Enterprise Journal
  • Venture Capital
  • Voluntas

Other Journals Publishing Wilson Fellow Research

  • ACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives
  • Child Abuse & Neglect
  • Global Policy
  • International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
  • Journal of Business Ethics Education
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Public Management & Social Policy
  • Psychology & Society