Table set up for an event.

About Us

University Special Events is here to ensure that your organization plans successful events and programs that seek to educate, foster a sense of community, and build relationships. We work with you to provide the appropriate venue and support services. Event planning is a team effort between the Special Events Manager, your department, and all of our service groups. University Special Events is committed to assisting you accomplish your goals.

Office Contact Information

New York City
Phone: (212) 346-1360
Email: specialeventsny@pace.edu

Phone: (914) 923-2774
Email: specialeventswest@pace.edu

White Plains, Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Email: lawevents@law.pace.edu

Events Team

Tom Murray
Executive Director of Conference & Event Services
Phone: (212) 618-6992
Email: tmurray@pace.edu

Heather Wells
Associate Director of Special Events, New York
Phone: (212) 346-1742
Email: hwells@pace.edu

Kristen Vinciguerra
Associate Director of Special Events, Pleasantville
Phone: (914) 923-2667
Email: kvinciguerra@pace.edu

MaryAnn Errante
Assistant Director, Special Events, Pleasantville
Phone: (914) 923-2632
Email: merrante@pace.edu

Gail Louis
Assistant Director, Special Events, Pleasantville
Phone: (914) 923-2711
Email: glouis@pace.edu

Elisabeth Haub School of Law

Haub Law External Affairs Team
Email: lawevents@law.pace.edu