
̾Ƶ President, Marvin Krislov

Robert Scott Pace

Robert Scott ̾Ƶ- ̾Ƶ

Robert Scott Pace
Term of Office: 1942–1960

Robert Scott ̾Ƶwas appointed president of ̾ƵInstitute in 1942, following the death of his father, Homer S Pace. Robert ̾Ƶserved in the armed forces but returned in 1945 to see the school through a hectic post-World War II period, which saw the institution mature physically and intellectually and become accepted into the ranks of colleges and universities. During Pace’s tenure, from 1942 to 1960, ̾ƵInstitute became ̾ƵCollege; New York State approved the BBA and BA degrees; ̾Ƶmoved from a few rented floors at 225 Broadway to its own 16-story building at 41 Park Row; and the Graduate Division was established. Widely recognized for the strength of its business education, even the Ivy League offered praise when a Princeton faculty member wrote, “It is accepted here at Princeton that your training program is superior to those offered at the Wharton School, Temple University, and Rutgers University.”

Robert ̾Ƶnominated Edward J. Mortola, who was then vice president at Pace, to be the college's third President. Robert ̾Ƶwas fully convinced that his designated successor was the right person to shepherd Pace’s plans. Robert ̾Ƶretired from the presidency in 1960 and shortly thereafter Edward J. Mortola became President of ̾ƵCollege.

On November 19, 1989, after having been retired for 29 years, Robert ̾Ƶdied of respiratory failure at King's Row Adult Residence in Middletown, New Jersey. He was 85 years old.