
Two pace university students walking through Manhattan

Please see a list of frequently asked questions related to Title IX below.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Bernard Dufresne, the Assistant Vice President of the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX Compliance via email at bdufresne@pace.edu or call the office at (212) 346-1310.

  • Title IX is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities that receive Federal funds. Under Title IX, every institution must designate an employee as a 鈥淭he Title IX coordinator鈥 who is responsible for ensuring compliance with Title IX.

  • Bernard Dufresne, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Equity/Title IX Compliance serves as the University鈥檚 Title IX Coordinator. Bernard is available by phone at (212) 346-1310 and email at bdufresne@pace.edu.

  • The University is committed to maintaining an environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct. The University鈥檚 Sex-Based Misconduct Policy describes the prohibited conduct (including the definitions of sexual harassment and other sex-based misconduct) and the procedures for handling reports.

  • Confidential and non-confidential resources on campus. A confidential resource provides emotional support and/or medical services and maintains confidentiality. A report to a confidential resource does not result in a University investigation or any other University action to respond to the incident.

    Office the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator ensures that reports and complaints of sexual misconduct are handled properly in a prompt, equitable, and timely manner. The Title IX Coordinator is also available to answer any questions that members of the University community may have about the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and to assist them in gaining access to available resources and understanding their rights.

    Safety and Security. The Office of Safety and Security ensures the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors of 绿巨人视频 by providing a 24-hours a day, 365 day per year security presence on the University鈥檚 New York City and Westchester campuses.

  • A complainant (any person who allegedly experienced sexual misconduct in violation of the policy) can file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, electronic mail, or by using the University鈥檚 . A formal complaint initiates the University鈥檚 formal grievance process (i.e., investigation).

    If an incident is reported to the Title IX office by someone other than the complainant such as a witness, an RA or a faculty member, the Title IX Coordinator reaches out to the complainant to discuss the University鈥檚 grievance process and how to file a formal complaint, review supportive measures and answer any questions. The complainant can decide whether they want to pursue a formal investigation, whether they just want to register the concerns with the Title IX office or whether they want to seek out support, but do not want the University to take any further action.

  • Supportive measures are intended to restore or preserve access to the University鈥檚 educational programs and activities and protected the safety of complainants and respondents involved in a matter covered by the Sex-Based Misconduct policy. Supportive measures may include mutual no contact orders; academic accommodations; changes in housing assignment; or other academic, residential or work accommodations. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the implementation of supportive measures; therefore, to request a supportive measure, please reach out to the Title IX Coordinator.

  • A complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, by email, or by using the University鈥檚 .

  • Generally, formal complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment cannot be filed anonymously. As part of the investigation process, the respondent (i.e., the individual accused of misconduct) is entitled to receive written notification of the specific allegation(s) and information about the investigation process.

    Efforts will be made to maintain privacy; only people who have a need to know about the incident will be informed, and information will be shared only as necessary with Investigators, the Complainant, witnesses and the Respondent.

  • The Title IX office is charged with investigating reports of violations of university policy involving sex-based misconduct. Law enforcement is responsible for investigating criminal activity. A complaint can be filed with both entities.

  • A student witness or student incident participant acting in good faith, who reports or discloses any incident of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to 绿巨人视频 officials or law enforcement will not be subject to the University鈥檚 code of conduct action for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the misconduct.

  • Please contact Student Accessibility Services at (212) 346-1526 (NYC) or (914) 773-3710 (Westchester) prior to any meeting or interview in which reasonable accommodations may be needed.

  • A complainant can withdraw a complaint or involvement from the University processes at any time; however, depending on the circumstances, the University may nonetheless be required to proceed with an investigation even if the complainant does not wish to do so.

  • No; however, all members of the University community are encouraged to participate in the investigation process. Investigators and Hearing Officers can only draw conclusions from the information available so the failure of one party to offer their version of events will likely have a substantial impact on the outcome of the investigation.

  • Informal Resolution may be offered to the parties after a formal complaint is filed by the Complainant and will be pursued only where both the Complainant and Respondent agree to utilize the process. Either party in an Informal Resolution process may terminate it at any time and, if that occurs, the complaint will proceed to the formal investigation and adjudication process.

    If both parties consent to participate in the Informal Resolution process, the University will assign a facilitator who will act in an independent, impartial manner to facilitate a resolution between the parties. The facilitator will be free from conflicts of interest and bias.

    An Informal Resolution leads either to an agreement between the parties or no agreement. If no agreement is reached, the complaint returns to the formal investigation and adjudication process.

  • Formal hearings can either take place in-person or virtually depending on the circumstances.

    The hearing provides an opportunity for the hearing officer to question the parties and witnesses, review evidence, and involves the complainant and respondent鈥檚 advisors asking questions to the other party and witnesses.

  • A complainant or respondent is permitted to request the presence of either an advisor of choice or an institution advisor.

    Advisor of Choice: An advisor of choice is a person selected by the complainant or respondent to advise and accompany the complainant or respondent throughout the investigation and adjudication process. An advisor of choice may be any person, including an attorney. The institution does not appoint or pay for an advisor of choice.

    Institution Advisor: A complainant or respondent who does not opt to be accompanied by an advisor of choice at a hearing is entitled to be appointed an advisor by the University at no charge to the party. An institution advisor鈥檚 role is to ask cross-examination questions of the other party during a hearing. An institution advisor does not represent a party in any legal sense. At a hearing, an institution advisor is allowed the same right of participation as an advisor of choice. The party is responsible for formulating the cross examination questions the institution advisor will pose during the hearing.

  • The University prohibits retaliation against any individual for reporting an incident of Sex-Based Misconduct or for participating in any investigation or proceeding related to any such report. If you believe you have been retaliated against, contact Bernard Dufresne, the University鈥檚 Title IX Coordinator at bdufresne@pace.edu.