Student with Nigel Yarlet in the Haskins Laboratories looking under the hood

Faculty Research Areas

Work with distinguished faculty

As a graduate student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MS program you're given access to world-renowned faculty and their research. We encourage our faculty to mentor every student and foster their research goals.

Nigel Yarlett, PhD

Program Director, MS in BMB
Distinguished Professor
Email: nyarlett@pace.edu

Research: Biochemistry and molecular biology of parasitic protozoa, particularly Cryptosporidia sp., and Human African Trypanosomes (HAT). My research has resulted in the development of a new class of compound, the oxaboroles, to treat HAT that is currently in phase II clinical trials in Africa. I am also developing a novel culture system to facilitate the screening of novel compounds for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis.

Daniel Strahs, PhD

Associate Professor
Email: dstrahs@pace.edu

Research: Understanding the biochemistry of DNA-processing enzymes. My lab studies the enzyme topoisomerase IA an enzyme of prokaryotic organisms which manages the supercoiling generated during transcription.

Erika Crispo, PhD

Assistant Professor
Email: ecrispo@pace.edu

Research: My research is at the interface of molecular ecology and ecological genetics. That is, I use molecular tools to understand ecology, and I study how genomes evolve in response to the environment. More specifically, I am interested in how freshwater fish populations adapt to environmental stressors, including hypoxia and pollution. I am most interested in questions revolving around the role of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation, and how phenotypic plasticity evolves, through examination at both the molecular and phenotypic levels.

Cho Chan, PhD

Email: cchan3@pace.edu

Research: My current research interest focuses on microbial interactions with their environments and other microbes through cell surface proteins. The integration of molecular, chemical, and functional analyses is employed to understand how the environment affects the protein’s adherence property. Another area of interest focuses on the use of different amyloid-perturbing compounds to inhibit cell-to cell and cell-to-surface interactions. Understanding how the environment affects the amyloid region of the adhesion molecules is importance in shaping the medical treatment of biofilm formation.

Advisory Committee

  • Nigel Yarlett, Distinguished Professor, Chemistry and Physical Sciences, Director MS BMB program
  • Demosthenes Athanasopoulos, Professor and Chair Chemistry and Physical Sciences
  • William Eaton, Professor and Chair of Biology and Health Sciences
  • Jaimelee Rizzo, Professor and Assistant Chair Chemistry and Physical Sciences
  • Erika Crispo, Assistant Professor Biology and Health Sciences