Two students talking and laughing in a hallway.

School of Education

Welcome to the School of Education!

Congratulations on your acceptance. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Please find the information below for next steps.

Academic Advisement Information

It is strongly advised that students meet with or speak to their academic adviser before they begin their first semester at the School of Education.

Joanna Lockspeiser
Assistant Director, Advisement
Email: jlockspeiser@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Ann Marie McGlynn
Associate Professor
Email: amcglynn@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Peter McDermott
Email: pmcdermott@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Thomas P.Higgins, Jr.
Assistant Professor
Email: thiggins@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Amy Greis
Online Program Coordinator and Advisor
Email: agreis@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Francine Falk-Ross
Email: ffalkross@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Raquel Plotka
Email: rplotka@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Shobana Musti
Email: smusti@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

Samantha DiSibio
Online Program Coordinator and Advisor
Email: sdisibio@pace.edu
For students admitted to:

  • Literacy Specialist, MSEd

Graduate Assistantships

Students in the School of Education are eligible for graduate assistantships. We encourage all accepted students to apply for these positions. Due to their highly competitive nature, we urge applicants to send in their form quickly. Graduate students can apply through our .