
SJ Min

SJ Min

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Communication and Media Studies
41 Park Row


Faculty Bio

Professor, Researcher, and Journalist

Awards and Honors

  • Eastern Communication Association, 2017, Best Paper
  • ECA Political Communication Division, 2014, Best Paper
  • Project Pericles, 2010, Periclean Faculty Leader
  • ICA Journalism Studies Division, 2008, Best Paper


PhD, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2009

MA, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 2002
International Affairs

BA, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1999
Literature, German

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Political Communication and Civic Engagement; Journalism and Media Sociology; New Media and Communication Technologies

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CMS 280: Introduction to Journalism
CMS 338: Media Criticism
CMS 341: Citizen Jrnlsm & Deliberation
CMS 393: Internship Program I
CMS 394: Internship Program II
COM 200: Public Speaking
COM 239: Milestones in Commun Rsrch
COM 280: Introduction to Journalism
COM 297: Introduction to Journalism
COM 336: Propaganda
COM 338: Media Criticism
COM 341: Citizen Jrnlsm & Deliberation
COM 393: Intern Program I
COM 393: Internship Program I
COM 393: Internship Program l
COM 394: Intern Program II
COM 394: Internship Program II
COM 395: Independent Study in Comm.
COM 396: Topic: Ctzn Jrnlsm and Dlbrtn
COS 239: Milestones in Commun Rsrch
COS 280: Introduction to Journalism
COS 338: Media Criticism
COS 341: Citizen Jrnlsm & Deliberation
COS 393: Internship Program l
COS 394: Internship Program II
SPE 203: Persuasive Speaking

Publications and Presentations


Navigating White News: Asian American Journalists at Work
Oh, D. C. & Min, S. J. (2023). Navigating White News: Asian American Journalists at Work.New Brunswick, NJ , USA : Rutgers University Press.

Rethinking the New Technology of Journalism: How Slowing Down Will Save the News
Min, S. (2022). Rethinking the New Technology of Journalism: How Slowing Down Will Save the News.University Park, PA , USA : Penn State University Press.

Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories? Network Diversity, Political Discussion, and Conservative Conspiracy Theories on Social Media
Min, S. (2021). American Politics Research.

Keeping Up with the Technologies: Distressed Journalistic Labor in the Pursuit of “Shiny” Technologies
Min, S. & Fink, K. (2021). Journalism Studies.

Underneath the Filter Bubble: The Role of Weak Ties and Network Cultural Diversity in Cross-Cutting Exposure to Disagreements on Social Media
Min, S. & Wohn, D. Y. (2020). Journal of Social Media in Society. Vol 9 (Issue 1) , pages 22-38.

What the Twenty-First Century Engaged Journalism can Learn from the Twentieth Century Public Journalism
Min, S. (2020). Journalism Practice.

From algorithmic disengagement to algorithmic activism: Charting social media users’ responses to news filtering algorithms
Min, . (2019). Telematics & Informatics. Vol 43

Leaderless Group Decisions
Min, S. (2019). Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Politics.

As Democracy Goes, So Does Journalism: Evolution of Journalism in Liberal, Deliberative, and Participatory Democracy
Min, S. (2018). As Democracy Goes, So Does Journalism: Evolution of Journalism in Liberal, Deliberative, and Participatory Democracy.Lanham, MD , USA : Lexington Books / Rowman & Littlefield. , pages 184.

Conversation through Journalism: Searching for organizing principles of public and citizen journalism
Min, S. J. (2016). Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism. Vol 17 (Issue 5) , pages 567-582.

Occupy Wall Street and Deliberative Decision-making
Min, S. J. (2015). Communication, Culture, & Critique. Vol 8 (Issue 1) , pages 73-89.

On the Westerness of Deliberation Research
Min, S. J. (2014). Journal of Public Deliberation. Vol 10 (Issue 2) , pages Article 5.

Pretty Boys: Asian Masculinity in Media
Min, S. J. (2013).

Choosing the right media for mobilization: Issue advocacy groups’ media choice in the competitive media environment
Min, S. J. & Kim, Y. (2012). Mass Communication & Society. Vol 15 (Issue 1) , pages 225-244.

Exemplifying a dispositional approach to cross-cultural spiral of silence research: Fear of social isolation and the inclination to self-censor
Matthes, J., Hayes, A., Hernando, R., Shen, F., Min, S. J. & Dylko, I. (2012). International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Vol 24 (Issue 3) , pages 287-305.

Democratic Divide
Min, S. J. (2011). Z. Yan (Eds.), Hershey, PA :IGI Global.

Discussing Conflicts through Deliberation
Min, S. J. (2011). Academic Exchange Quarterly. Vol 15 (Issue 2) , pages 158-161.

From the digital divide to the democratic divide: Internet skills, political interest, and the second-level digital divide in political Internet use
Min, S. J. (2010). Journal of Information Technology and Politics. Vol 7 (Issue 1) , pages 22-35.

Missing children in national news coverage: Racial and gender representations of missing children cases
Min, S. J. & Feaster, J. (2010). Communication Research Reports. Vol 27 (Issue 3) , pages 207-216.

Deliberation, East meets West: Exploring the cultural dimension of citizen deliberation
Min, S. J. (2009). Acta Politica. Vol 44 (Issue 4) , pages 439-458.

Online vs. face-to-face deliberation: Effects on civic engagement
Min, S. J. (2007). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol 12 (Issue 4) , pages 1369-1387.

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Broadcasting Education Association
  • International Communication Association
  • National Communication Association

Related News and Stories

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In the Media

Dyson Professor Seong Jae Min pens an op-ed in The Korea Times about transparency and trust.

In the Media

Professor Seong Jae Min pens an op-ed in The Korea Times discussing Korea's need to catch up on LGBTQ rights and issues.