
Sergey Kazakov

Sergey Kazakov

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry/Physical Sciences PLV
Costello House
Dyson Hall


Awards and Honors

  • ̾Ƶ, 2023, ̾ƵUndergraduate Student Academic Conference Travel Fund for Joint Presentations with Faculty Mentors (2023)
  • ̾Ƶ, 2022, ̾ƵUndergraduate Student Academic Conference Travel Fund For Joint Presentations with Faculty Mentors (2022)
  • ̾Ƶ, 2022, Scholarly Research Awards, Kenan Travel Awards, Presidential Release Time Awards (2003-2022)
  • Marquis Who's Who, 2021, Marquis Who's Who 2021 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
  • ̾Ƶ, 2021, ̾ƵUndergraduate Student Academic Conference Travel Fund For Joint Presentations with Faculty Mentors (2021)
  • Marquis Who's Who, 2019, Named an official listee in the 2019 edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World
  • American Chemical Society, New York Section, 2019, Certificate for Mentoring for the Annual 67th Undergraduate Research Symposium (2019)
  • ̾Ƶ, 2019, Certificate for presentation at the Annual Student & Faculty ̾ƵResearch Day (2019)
  • Dyson College, ̾Ƶ, 2019, Summer Research Awards (2004-2019)
  • ̾Ƶ, 2017, ̾ƵUndergraduate Student Academic Conference Travel Fund For Joint Presentations with Faculty Mentors (2017)
  • ̾Ƶ, 2010, Dyson College Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award (2010)
  • Lund University, Sweden, 2000, The Swedish Institute Scholarships (2000)
  • Lund University, Sweden, 1999, The Swedish Institute Scholarships (1999)
  • Moscow State University, Russia, 1998, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Licensures and Certificates

  • CITI Program and ̾Ƶ, Certificate of completion of the training course: CITI Conflict of Interests (2022)
  • ̾Ƶ, Certificate of completion of the Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight (Full Course) (2021)
  • ̾Ƶ, Certificate for successful completion of the Teaching Online Certification Program and for commitment to excellence in teaching (2020)
  • ̾Ƶ, Certificate of completion of the course: FERPA Basics (New - 2016) (2020)
  • MDPI, Review Confirmation Certificate for the following MDPI journals: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Nanomaterials, Gels, Materials (2020)
  • ̾Ƶ, Certificate of completion of the course: Harassment & Discrimination Prevention (2019)


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1998
Physical Chemistry/Molecular Physics

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Hydrogel/lipid membrane assembly: modeling membrane system of cell; hydrogel nanoparticles, lipogels, nanofilms, liposomes. and lipid membrane synthesis manipulation and characterization; synthetic and natural ionic reservoirs; bioanalytical devices, drug delivery and control release systems

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Student Instructional Technology Fee Grant (2018)
Kazakov, S. V. 2018 - 2019. ̾Ƶ. Funded.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

BMB 710: Research I
BMB 711: Research II
CHE 111: General Chemistry I
CHE 112: General Chemistry II
CHE 296: Tpc: Membrne Transport & Ionic
CHE 296: Tpc: Physcl Biochmstry of Memb
CHE 301: Physcl Chem I: Thermodynamics
CHE 301: Physcl Chmstry: Thrmdynmcs
CHE 301: Physical Chemistry I
CHE 302: Physical Chem II (Lecture)
CHE 302: Physical Chemistry II
CHE 329: Adv Biochemistry Laboratory
CHE 370: Adv Biophysical Chem: Membrane
CHE 392: Chemistry Seminar I
CHE 480: Research in Chemistry
CHE 492: Chemistry Seminar II
ENS 792: Rsrch in Envrnmntl Sci I
PHY 215: Thermodynamics & Quantum Thry
PHY 215: Topic: Thermodynamics

Publications and Presentations


Degradation kinetics of disulfide cross-linked microgels: Real-time monitoring by confocal microscopy
Mercer, I. G., Italiano, A. N., Gazaryan, I. G., Steiner, A. B. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). Gels. Vol 9 , pages 782 (17 pages).

Probable mechanisms of doxorubicin antitumor activity enhancement by Ginsenoside Rh2
Popov, A. M., Klimovich, A. A., Styshova, O. N., Tsybulsky, A. V., Hushpulian, D. M., Osipyants, A. I., Khristichenko, A. Y., Kazakov, S. V., Ahuja, M., Kaidery, N., THomas, B., Tishkov, V. I., Brown, A., Gazaryan, I. & Po;oznikov, A. A. (2022). Molecules. Vol 27 , pages 628.

Structure–activity relationships and transcriptomic analysis of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors
Poloznikov, A. A., Nikulim, S. V., Hushpulian, D. M., Khristichenko, A. Y., Osipyants, A. I., Asachenko, A. F., Shurupova, O. V., Savin, S. S., Lee, S. H., Gaisina, I. N., Thatcher, G. J., Narciso, A., Chang, E. P., Kazakov, S. V., Krucher, N. A., Tishkov, V. I., Thomas, B. & Gazaryan, I. (2022). Antioxidants. Vol 11 , pages 220.

HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors for COVID-19 treatment: Pros and cons
Poloznikov, A. A., Nersisyan, S. A., Hushpulian, D. M., Kazakov, E. H., Tonevitsky, A. G., Kazakov, S. V., Vechorko, V. I. & Gazaryan, I. (2021). Frontiers in Pharmacology. Vol 11 , pages 621054.

Zinc switch in pig heart lipoamide dehydrogenase: Steady-state and transient kinetic studies of the diaphorase reaction
Gazaryan, I., Schedrina, V. A., Klyachko, N. L., Zakhariants, A. A., Kazakov, . & Brown, A. M. (2020). Biochemistry (Moscow). Vol 85 (Issue 8) , pages 908-919.


Confocal microscopy for the quantitative study of the mechanism of degradation of redox sensitive microgels
Italiano, A. N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). Science Day. ̾Ƶ,

Kinetics and mechanism of degradation of the redox-sensitive microgels: A microscopic study by confocal microscopy
Kazakov, S. V. & Italiano, A. N. (2023). Student-Faculty Research Day: 2023 Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Day, Honor College Thesis Defense. ̾Ƶ,

Kinetics and mechanism of degradation of disulfide cross-linked microgels explored by confocal microscopy
Italiano, A. N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). The 70th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) . American Chemical Society,

Real-time tracking of the degradation and consequent phenomena (swelling and erosion) of biodegradable microgels under presence of reducing agents using confocal microscopy
Italiano, A. N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). ACS Spring 2023 National Meeting, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Biomaterials and Biointerfaces. American Chemical Society,

Real-time degradation and swelling of disulfide cross-linked microgels at different concentrations of the reducing agent
Italiano, A. N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2023). The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Fellows. ̾Ƶ, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences,

Kinetic analysis of biodegradation of giant lipobeads in the presence of reducing agents: a platform for “smart” anticancer drug and gene delivery
Tabaru, N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2022). The 69th ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium. ACS,

Giant degradable lipobeads with redox-responsive hydrogel core as a “smart” anticancer drug delivery system: A kinetic study
Tabaru, N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2022). 2022 Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Day. ̾Ƶ,

Multifunctional lipobeads as a potential drug/gene delivery system: The second-order kinetics of redox-sensitive degradation. (honored as Student Plenary Speaker representing Chemistry Department)
Tabaru, N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2022). Science Day (2022). ̾Ƶ,

Wet soft matter (liposomes, microgels, lipobeads) under high vacuum: Scanning electron microscopy study
Kazakov, S. V. (2022). Pittsburg Conference (PITTCON 2022). ACS,

Lipobeads with disulfide cross-linked poly(acrylamide-co-acrylonitrile) core: A versatile platform for drug and gene delivery (Outstanding poster presentation award)
Tabaru, N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2022). 41st Annual Meeting of Dyson College Society of Fellows . ̾Ƶ,

Lipobeads in the presence of reducing agents: Kinetics of degradation
Tabaru, N. & Kazakov, S. V. (2022). The ACS Spring 2022 National Meeting & Expo. ACS,

Disulfide cross-linked poly(acrylamide-co-acrylonitrile) microgels: Synthesis, properties, and de-cross-linking kinetics
Kazakov, S. V., Perez, R. & Sybesma, M. (2021). The ACS Spring 2021 National Meeting & Expo. ACS,

Lipobeads with degradable hydrogel core explode under presence of reducing agents: An approach to anticancer drug delivery
Kazakov, S. V., Perez, R., Sybesma, M. & Gazaryan, I. (2021). Pittsburg Conference (PITTCON 2021). ACS,

“Exploding” lipobeads (lipogels) for anticancer drug delivery systems
Perez, R. & Kazakov, S. V. (2020). ̾ƵResearch Day. ̾Ƶ,

Degradability of Redox-Responsive Microgels and Lipobeads Tested by Confocal Microscopy
Perez, R., Sybesma, M. & Kazakov, S. V. (2020). 39th Annual Meeting of Dyson College Society of Fellows . ̾Ƶ,

Professional Contributions and Service

Intellectual Property

Patent: (2011) Kazakov S., Kaholek M., Levon K. Lipobeads and their production. US Patent 7883648

Patent: (2011) Kazakov S., Kaholek M., Levon K. Nanogels and their production using liposomes as reactors. US Patent 7943067

Patent: (2009) Kazakov S., Kaholek M., Levon K. Lipobeads and their production. US Patent 7618565

Professional Memberships

  • (2001 - present) American Chemical Society
  • (2004) The Empire Who’s Who Registry of Executives and Professionals
  • (2007) The Who’s Who Among American Teachers & Educators
  • (2008 - present) Dyson College Society of Fellows
  • (2010) The Marquis Who’s Who in America

Department Service

  • (2006 - present) Forensic Science Advisory Committee [Committee Member]
  • (2010-present) Departmental Strategic Plan Committee [Committee Member]
  • (2004-present) Advising students and mentoring student research [Faculty Mentor]
  • (2004-present) Department Search and TAP Committees [Committee Member]
  • (2004-present) Development of courses and educational programs [Committee Member]
  • (2004-present) PhysChemNews Bulletin in Dyson Hall [ Founder and Editor]
  • (2010-2022) Departmental website drafting [Committee Member]

College Service

  • (2021 - present) Pharmaceutical Sciences BS program Committee [Committee Chair]
  • (2003 - present) Student presentations at the Annual Meetings of the Dyson Society of Fellows, Open Houses, Science and Research Days [Faculty Mentor]

University Service

  • (2022 - present) Technology Committee [Committee Member]
  • (2013 - present) Engineering Taskforce [Task Force Member]
  • (2013 - present) Student presentation at The Annual Student & Faculty ̾ƵResearch Day [Faculty Mentor]
  • (2006 - present) Scholarly Research and Kenan Travel Grants Committee [Committee Member]

Professional Service

(2003 - present) Reviewer for 25 academic and professional journals [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Process Biochemistry [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Pharmaceutics [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Current Drug Delivery [Reviewer, Journal Article]
International Journal of Molecular Sciences [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Langmuir [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Pharmaceutics [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Nanomaterials [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Nanomaterials [Reviewer, Journal Article]
ACS Nano [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Gels [Reviewer, Journal Article]
The Journal of Physical Chemistry [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Clinics in Oncology [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Interdisciplinary Problems of Nanotechnology, Biomedicine and Nanotoxicology [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Enzyme and Microbial Technology [Reviewer, Journal Article]