P.V. Viswanath

P.V. Viswanath

Graduate Program Chair
Lubin School of Business
Finance and Economics

P.V. Viswanath




Prof. PV Viswanath is Graduate Program Chair in the Department of Finance and Economics. His research spans the more traditional areas of corporate finance, investments, insurance, and Law and Economics, but also the treatment of economic issues in world religions, primarily Judaism and Buddhism; most recently, he has been interested in microfinance and financial market development in emerging economies. His research has appeared in a variety of journals including the Journal of Law and Economics; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Futures Markets; Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; Journal of Risk and Insurance; and Financial Management. His most recent work has appeared in the following journals: International Journal of Financial Studies; Post-Communist Economies; Journal of Financial Research; Journal of Business Ethics; ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives; and the International Journal of Financial Studies. He is on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Open Ethics and Law Journal and is a referee for several journals, including Economic Modelling and the International Journal of Financial Research. He reads and speaks French, Spanish, Tamil, Hindi/Urdu and Yiddish fluently and has varying degrees of fluency in German, Italian, Hebrew, Marathi, Malayalam and Bengali. He has also studied Arabic, Ancient Greek, Czech, Dutch, Armenian, Aramaic, Syriac, Swahili, Irish/Gaelic, Welsh, Sanskrit and Mandarin Chinese. He uses several of these languages, such as Hebrew, Aramaic, Swahili, Malayalam, Mandarin Chinese and Sanskrit in his research. He teaches courses in a variety of areas including corporate finance, microfinance, film finance and the Chinese financial system.


PhD, University of Chicago, Chicago, Il.

MBA, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Economics & Management Science

MBA, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Management Science

Publications and Presentations


Viswanath, P. (2018). Microfinance and the Decision to Invest in Children’s Education. International Journal of Financial Studies. 6(1), 16.

Viswanath, P. (2018). Microcredit and Survival Microenterprises: The Role of Market Structure. International Journal of Financial Studies. 6(1), 1.

Goldman, E., Viswanath, P. (2017). Internal Capital Markets, Forms of Intra-Group Transfers and Dividend Policy: Evidence from Indian Corporates. Journal of Financial Research. 40(4), 567–610.

Viswanath, P. (2015). Microfinance and Investment in Human and Social Capital. ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives.

Viswanath, P. (2015). Word Power: The Impact of News Media on Corporate Pollution Practices. Journal of Business Ethics.

Viswanath, P., Cooper, B., Syed, Z. (2015). Diagnostic Mammogram Same Day Test Results Washington, DC: 2015 Annual College of Radiology Meetings. Conference Proceeding.

Goldman, E., Viswanath, P. (2015). Export intensity and dividend policy of Indian Firms. Reviving Growth in India. Cambridge University Press.

Kadiyala, P., Viswanath, P. (2013). Size Effects in the Pricing of Corporate Bonds. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments. 22(no. 4), 229-258.

Tinkelman, D., Viswanath, P., Vogel, G. (2012). Sub S Valuation: To Tax Effect or not to Tax Effect is not really the question. The Tax Lawyer.

Viswanath, P., Szenberg, M. (2012). Religious Perspectives on the Economic Crisis: An Overview. In Michael Szenberg and Lall Ramrattan (Ed.), The Great Recession: Major Religious Perspectives on the Global Economic and Financial Crisis. Amazon Press.

Goldman, E., Viswanath, P. (2011). Export Intensity and Financial Leverage of Indian firms. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies. 4(2), 152-171.

Viswanath, P., Szenberg, M. (2010). Could What You Don't Know Hurt You? Information Asymmetry in Land Markets in Late Antiquity. The Oxford Handbook of Judaism and Economics. Oxford University Press.

Viswanath, P. (2009). Religious Perspectives on the Economic Crisis. American Economist.

Viswanath, P. (2009). An Overview of Bankruptcy Procedures Around the World. In Chandrasekhar Krishnamurthi and S.R. Vishwanath (Ed.), Advanced Corporate Finance. (pp. 322-333). New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Private Limited.

Viswanath, P. (2008). Explorations in the Economics of Intertemporal Asset Transfer in Roman Palestine. American Economist. 52(2), 77-86.

Gay, G., Nam, J., Viswanath, P. (2007). How much Value do Corporate Hedging Programs Create? Assessing the Impact of Hedging on Inefficient Investment. ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance.

Viswanath, P., Szenberg, M. (2007). Examining the Biblical Perspective on the Environment in a Costly Contracting Framework. Economics of Judaism.

Viswanath, P. (2007). Bull and Bear Markets. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.

Viswanath, P. (2007). Bid-Ask Spreads. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.

Sen, K., Viswanath, P. (2005). Testing Dividend Theories: Evidence from Dividend Payments versus Earnings Retention. ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance.

Viswanath, P., Chan, K., Wong, A. (2003). Century Bonds: Issuance Motivations and Debt versus Equity Characteristics. Journal of Applied Business Research. 19(3).

Viswanath, P., Eastman, W. (2003). Bondholder-Stockholder Conflict: Contractual Covenants Vs. Court-Mediated Ex-post Settling Up. Review Of Quantitative Finance And Accounting. 21(1).

Viswanath, P., Kim, Y.K., Pandit, J. (2002). Dilution, Dividend Commitments and Liquidity: Do Dividend Changes Reflect Information Signaling?. Review Of Quantitative Finance And Accounting. 18(4).

Viswanath, P. (2010). The Arab Economies in a Changing World (vol. 21, pp. 423-424). Journal of Asian Economics.

Viswanath, P. (2010). India's Financial Markets: An Insider's Guide to How the Markets Work (6 ed., vol. 21). Journal of Asian Economics.

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