
Leora Trub

Leora Trub

Associate Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology NY


Awards and Honors

  • National Register of Health Service Psychologists, 2013, Early Career Psychologist Credentialing Scholarship from the National Register
  • APA Division 39, 2013, Early Career Psychologist Travel Award, Couple and Family Therapy and Psychoanalysis
  • CUNY Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program, 2007, David Ertel Award for Work with Children


PhD, CUNY, New York, NY, 2011
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

BA, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2003
Psychology & Jewish Studies

Courses Taught

Past Courses

PSY 234: Human Sexual Behavior
PSY 296: Topics: Pschlgy Scl Ntwrkng
PSY 327: Mentored Lab Class Semester 1
PSY 328: Mentored Lab Class Semester 2
PSY 332: Grp Relations & Intrview Tchnq
PSY 337: Intro to Psycholgcl Counseling
PSY 380: Experimental Psychology I
PSY 381: Experimental Psychology II
PSY 395: Indpndnt Study in Psychology
PSY 396: Topic: Mentored Lab Class
PSY 509: Practicum in Trauma & Sub
PSY 509: Psychotherapy Practicum
PSY 604: Developmental Psychology
PSY 627: Mentored Lab Class Semester 1
PSY 628: Mentored Lab Class Semester 2
PSY 695: Independent Stdy in Psychology
PSY 696: Topics: Mentored Lab Class
PSY 699: M.A. Thesis
PSY 701: Doctoral Mentored Lab Class
PSY 726: Evidence-Based Practice
PSY 829: Family Interventions
PSY 839: Psychoanalytic Theory
PSY 842: Crisis Intrvn: Brf /Short Term
PSY 848: Substance Abuse Counseling
PSY 874: Group Interventions
PSY 875: Brief Interventions
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty

Publications and Presentations


(What) do you believe?: Therapist spiritual/religious/non-religious self-disclosure
Magaldi, D. & Trub, L. R. Psychotherapy Research. , pages 1-15.

Textual Healing: Proof of Concept Study Examining the Impact of a Mindfulness Intervention on Smartphone Behavior
Trub, L. R. & Starks, T. J. Mindfulness.

“I am here for a reason”: minority teachers bridging many divides in urban education
Magaldi, D., Conway, T. & Trub, L. R. Race Ethnicity and Education. , pages 1-13.

Training in intersectionality sensitivity: A community-based collaborative approach
Johnson, D., Cabral, A., Mueller, B., Trub, L., Kruk, J., Upshur, E., Diaz Alarcon, L., Marrero, L., Auf der Heyde, T., Thoma, N., Rodriguez, E., Cione, G. & Fraenkel, P. (2010). American Family Therapy Academy Monographs. Vol 4 (Issue 15) , pages 5.

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association
  • APA Division 39 Psychoanalysis Section VIII: Couple and Family Therapy and Psychoanalysis
  • New York State Psychological Association

Related News and Stories

In the Media

“In a world where people are constantly looking for simple answers and solutions (e.g. Is technology good or bad?), the fact is that the impact of technology (and in this study, texting specifically) differs based on the interaction between multiple things (in this study, personality characteristics and people’s motivations for texting),” said co-author Leora Trub, an associate professor of psychology at ̾Ƶ.

In the Media

Professor Leora Trub speaks with the Washington Post about people sending voice notes more often than text messages as a way to take break from looking at their phone screen.