
Helane Levine-Keating

Helane Levine-Keating

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY

Helane Levine-Keating

41 Park Row


Awards and Honors

  • Persea Books, 2014, Semi-Finalist, Lexi Rudnitsky First Book of Poetry Prize
  • ̾ƵAcademy for Applied Environmental Studies, 2012, ̾ƵAcademy for Applied Environmental Studies Dyson Faculty Scholar
  • The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, 2012, Platte Clove Artist-in-Residence for Poetry and Photography,


PhD, New York University, 1980
Comparative Literature

MPhil, New York University, 1978
Comparative Literature

MA, 1972
French Literature

BA, University of Rochester, 1969
Foreign and Comparative Literature/ Creative Writing

Research and Creative Works

Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits

Writers Exposed! A Summer Reading Event, Writers in the Mountains,
[Poetry Reading] Writers in the Mountains, Arkville, New York10 Best Writers, Writers in the Mountains Annual Summer Reading, Orphic Gallery,
[Poetry Reading] Writers in the Mountains, Orphic Gallery, Roxbury NY“Vulcan”
[Poetry - Print Journal] Facere: Signs of Life, Seattle, WA(Forthcoming) "Thresholds": Photographs (one-woman show)
[Art - Exhibition, One-Person] Longyear Gallery, Margaretville, NY"The Blue Wheelbarrow," Willow Calligraphy," and "Memory"
[Art - Exhibition, Group] "Samll Works": a Group Exhibitio, Roxbury Arts Group, Roxbury, New York"Uncle Vanya's Onions"
[Art - Exhibition, Group] Harvest Group Exhibition, Roxbury Arts Group, Roxbury, New YorkExhibitor in monthly gallery group shows
[Art - Exhibition, Group] Longyear Gallery, Longyear Gallery, Margaretville, NY"Platte Clove Pool" and "Enlightenment"/ Artist in Residence Exhibit
[Art - Exhibition, Group] The Erpf Gallery, The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Arkville, NY, USA"Half-Light"
[Art - Exhibition, One-Person] The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Arkville, New York"Lucid Dreams"
[Art - Exhibition, One-Person] Longyear Gallery, Margaretville, NY

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ENG 223: Creative Writing
ENG 307: Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG 308: Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG 311: Workshop in Fiction Writing
ENG 312: Workshop in Poetry Writing
ENG 322: Advanced Writing
ENG 322: Advanced Writing: Fiction
ENG 393: Internship
ENG 395: Independent Study in English
INT 296: Beyond the Veil: Women in M.E.
INT 296: Intrltnshp of Rlgn & Ltre
INT 297: Jewish People in Life & Lit.
INT 298: Mythology, Mysticism, & Modern
INT 298: Rflctn on Lit thr Phlsphcl Lns
INT 298: The Holocaust & Mdrn Genocides
LIT 211: The Individual and Society
LIT 313: Stds in the Novel: 21st Cntry
LIT 315: Twentieth Century Literature
LIT 345: Literatures of Diversity
LIT 374: Studies in Poetry
LIT 374: Studies in Poetry - A
LIT 374: Studies in Poetry: Mdrn Poetry
LIT 379: Feminist Issues in Literature
LIT 395: Independent Study
LIT 395: Independent Study-Literature
MGT 396: TPC: Multiple Perspectives

Publications and Presentations


(forthcoming) "The Secret History of Creative Writing Programs"
Levine-Keating, H. Vol ? , pages 6.

Translation as Collaboration: Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield and S. S. Koteliansky Claire Davison.
Levine-Keating, H. Vol 21, 2015 , pages 134-136.

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • American Comparative Literature Association
  • Modern Language Association

Department Service

  • [In charge of Internship Program for Eng. Dept.]
  • Curriculum Committee [Committee Chair]

University Service

  • Faculty Council Curriculum Committee [Committee Member]

Professional Service

WIOX Roxbury NY [Interviewee]
Longyear Art Gallery [Member]