Erik Lascaris

Erik Lascaris

Assistant Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry/Physical Sciences NY

Erik Lascaris



Personal Quote

Docendo discimus (by teaching, we learn)

Faculty Bio

Erik Lascaris received his Physics PhD from Boston University in 2014 for his studies on Liquid-Liquid Phase Transitions, continuing his research there until 2018 as a Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer.

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

My primary research question is: how can we apply and improve computer simulations to better understand and predict the behavior of fluids at the molecular level, and determine their macroscopic properties? This research involves techniques such as Molecular Dynamics simulations, coarse-graining models, multi-scale physics, etc. and includes the development of new methods and algorithms.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CHE 480: Research in Chemistry
PHY 101: College Physics I
PHY 102: College Physics II
PHY 111: General Physics I
PHY 111: General Physics I (Lab)
PHY 111: General Physics I (Lecture)
PHY 112: General Physics II
PHY 112: General Physics II (Lab)
PHY 112: General Physics II (Lecture)
SCI 150: Astronomy