Canan Corus
Dr. Corus is Associate Professor of Marketing. She joined the Lubin School of Business in 2012. Her research focuses on consumer health and vulnerable consumer populations. Her teaching interests include consumer behavior and advertising. She regularly teaches Principles of Marketing, Advanced Marketing Management, and Advertising/Communication Strategies.
She has published in academic journals such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Macromarketing, and Journal of Marketing Management.
Dr. Corus has served as a journal reviewer for academic journals such as Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Marketing Management. She has presented her research at scholarly conferences such as the Association of Consumer Research (ACR), Transformative Consumer Research (TCR), and Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP).
In 2016, she led the collective scholar effort of a roundtable of researchers at the Transformative Consumer Research conference, which resulted in a journal publication on the multiple disadvantages faced by consumers in poverty.
In 2015, Dr. Corus presented her research on health consumption practices of women at the Annual International Conference on Marketing in Athens, Greece.
Dr. Corus is the recipient of Lubin School of Business awards for teaching (2016) and for research (2013).
Publications and Presentations
Corus, C., Saatcioglu, B., Sandikci, O. (2024). Gendered Consumer Responsibilization: The Constitution of Menopausal Women as Responsible Feminine Consumer Subjects. Journal of Consumer Research. forthcoming
Moulton-Tetlock, E., Town, S., Rafieian, H., Corus, C., Fisk, R. (2024). Cultivating Wiser Service Systems through Communication. Journal of Service Management. 35(4), 547-569.
Laura Rifkin, , Colleen Kirk, , Corus, C. (2023). A turn of the tables: psychological contracts and word of mouth about sharing economy platforms when consumers get reviewed. Journal of Consumer Research. 50(2), 382-404.
Blocker, C., Zhang, J., Hill, R., Roux, C., Corus, C., Hutton, M., , Joshua, D., Minton, E. (2023). Rethinking Scarcity and Poverty: Building Bridges for Shared Insight and Impact. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Hutton, M., Corus, C., Blocker, C., Zhang, J., Hill, R., Roux, C. (2022). Getting Real About Consumer Poverty: Deep Processes For Transformative Action. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 56(3), 1332-1355.
Zemack-Rugar, Y., Corus, C., Brinberg, D. (2021). The Academic Response-to-Failure Scale: Predicting and Increasing Academic Persistence Postfailure. Journal Of Marketing Education. 43( 1), 103-119.
Boenigk, S., Fisk, R., Kabadayi, S., Alkire, L., Cheung, L., Corus, C., Finsterwalder, J., Kreimer, A., Luca, N., et al., (2021). Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 40(2), 165-183.
Saatcioglu, B., Corus, C. (2019). Towards a Macromarketing and Consumer Culture Theory Intersection: Participatory and Deliberative Methodologies. Journal of Macromarketing. 39(1), 9-24.
Zemack-Rugar, Y., Corus, C., Brinberg, D. (2019). If At First You Do Succeed, Do You Try, Try Again? A Multifaceted Approach to Persistence and Licensing. Journal Of Marketing Research. 56(2), 324-44.
Zemack-Rugar, Y., Corus, C. (2018). The effects of anticipated goal‐inconsistent behavior on present goal choices. Psychology & Marketing. 35(9), 676-95.
Saatcioglu, B., Corus, C. (2019). Towards a Macromarketing and Consumer Culture Theory Intersection: Participatory and Deliberative Methodologies. Journal of Macromarketing. 39(1), 9-24.
Saatcioglu, B., Corus, C. (2016). Exploring Spatial Vulnerability: Inequality and Agency Formulations in Social Space. Journal Of Marketing Management. 32(3-4), 230-251.
Corus, C., Saatcioglu, B. (2015). An Intersectionality Framework for Transformative Services Research. Service Industries Journal. 35(7/8), 415-429.
Saatcioglu, B., Corus, C. (2014). Poverty and Intersectionality: A Multidimensional Look into the Lives of the Impoverished. Journal of Macromarketing. 34 ((2) ), 122-132.
Ordabayeva, N., Askegaard, S., Chandon, P., Cheung, T., Chytkova, Z., Corus, C., Cornil, Y., Edell Britton, J., (2014). Moralities of Food and Health. Journal Of Marketing Management. 30(17-18), 1800-32.
Anderson, L., Ostrom, A., Corus, C., Fisk, R., Gallan, A., Giraldo, M., Mende, M., Mulder, M., Rayburn, S., Rosenbaum, M., Shirahada, K., Williams, J. (2013). Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future. Journal of Business Research. 66 (8), 1203–1210.
Zemack-Rugar, Y., Corus, C., Brinberg, D. (2012). The “Response-to-Failure” Scale: Predicting Behavior Following Initial Self-Control Failure. Journal Of Marketing Research. 49(6), 996-1014.
Corus, C., Ozanne, J.. (2012). Stakeholder engagement: Building participatory and deliberative spaces in subsistence markets. Journal of Business Research. 65(12), 1728–1735.
Corus, C., Julie L., O. (2011). Critical Literacy Programs: Can Business Literacy Be a Catalyst for Economic and Social Change?. Journal of Macromarketing. 31(2), 184-198.
Mark, R., Corus, C., Laurel, A., Raymond P., F., Andrew S., A., Mario, M., Martin, M., Mark, M., Steven, R., Kunio, S., Jerome D., W. (2011). Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative Service Research. Journal of Research for Consumers. 191-6.
Ozanne, J., Corus, C., Saatcioglu, B. (2009). The Philosophy and Methods of Deliberative Democracy: Implications for Public Policy and Marketing. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 28(1), 29-40.
Brandy, H., Paula, P., Corus, C., David, B. (2009). Integrating the Unified Theory and Stages of Change to Create Targeted Health Messages. . 39(2), 449-471.
Ross-Adkins, N., Corus, C. (2009). Health Literacy for Improved Health Outcomes: Effective Capital in the Marketplace. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 43(2), 199-222.