
Adam Klein

Adam Klein

Associate Professor
Associate Chair
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Communication and Media Studies
| Office Hours: Tue 10:30am-12:00pm,Thu 10:30am-12:pm


Awards and Honors

  • Eastern Communication Association Annual Conference, 2019, Top Paper Award: Political Communication Division
  • NYSCA Annual Conference, 2015, Top Paper Award


PhD, Howard University, Washington, DC, 2010
Mass Communication & Media Studies

MA, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2003

BA, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, 2001

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Global Conflict and Communication; News and American Politics; Propaganda and Hate Speech; Political-Economy of Media Systems

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CMS 113: Media, Culture, and Society
CMS 114: Introduction to Mass Media
CMS 313: The Dark Side of Communication
CMS 314: Media v Government
CMS 336: Propaganda
CMS 393: Internship Program I
CMS 394: Internship Program II
COM 111: Introduction to Communication
COM 113: Media, Culture, and Society
COM 200: Public Speaking
COM 213: Intercultural Communication
COM 228: Writing for Convergent Tech
COM 239: Milestones in Commun Rsrch
COM 245: Commctn and Popular Culture
COM 297: The Dark Side of Communication
COM 336: Propaganda
COM 393: Intern Program I
COM 393: Internship Program I
COM 393: Internship Program l
COM 394: Internship Program II
COM 395: Independent Study in Comm.
COS 113: Media, Culture, and Society
COS 114: Introduction to Mass Media
COS 313: The Dark Side of Communication
COS 336: Propaganda
COS 393: Internship Program l
COS 394: Internship Program II
COS 396: Topics: Media v Government
COS 481: Language and Power
SPE 203: Persuasive Speaking
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty

Publications and Presentations


Capturing the media: Similarities between Viktor Orbán’s and Donald Trump’s media aspirations.
Klein, A. G. (2023). International Journal of Communication. Vol 17 , pages 6697-6717.

Social Networks and the Challenge of Hate Disguised as Fear and Politics
Klein, A. G. (2021). Journal for Deradicalization.

Social media at a crossroads: Confronting Political Extremism
Klein, A. G. (2021).

Loaded words: NRATV and the Making of Liberal America as a Public Enemy
Klein, A. G. (2020). Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric.

Social networks aim to erase hate but miss the target on guns
Klein, A. G. (2020).

How Online Hate Infiltrates Social Media and Politics
Klein, A. G. (2017).

Threshold Event: Exploring a Commercial Sponsorship of LGBT Rights During the Sochi Olympics. (Special Issue on Social Science and the Olympic Games)
Klein, A. G. (2016). Cogent Social Sciences. Vol 2 , pages 1-18.

Using the “Wife-Beater” Shirt to Teach about Hegemony and Counterhegemony
Klein, A. G. (2016). Communication Teacher. Vol 30 (Issue 3) , pages 100-105.

Vigilante Media: Unveiling Anonymous and the Hacktivist Persona in the Global Press
Klein, A. G. (2015). Communication Monographs. Vol 82 (Issue 3) , pages 379-401.

"Participatory Media Impact on the Arab Spring"
Klein, A. G. (2014). University Press of America. , pages 182-203.

Measuring Media Compliance and Divergence in the Nondemocratic Press System
Klein, A. G. (2012). Communication Monographs. Vol 79 (Issue 1) , pages 115-136.

Slipping Racism into the Mainstream: A Theory of Information Laundering
Klein, A. G. (2012). Communication Theory. Vol 22 (Issue 4) , pages 427-448.

A Space for Hate: The White Power Movement's Adaptation into Cyberspace
Klein, A. G. (2010). A Space for Hate: The White Power Movement's Adaptation into Cyberspace.Sacramento, CA , USA : Litwin Books, LLC. , pages 220.

Characterizing “the Enemy”: Zionism and Islamism in the Iranian and Israeli Press
Klein, A. G. (2009). Communication, Culture & Critique. Vol 2 (Issue 3) , pages 387-406.

Counterframing Public Dissent: Analysis of Antiwar coverage in the U.S. Media
Klein, A. G., Byerly, C. & McEachern, T. (2009). Critical Studies in Media Communication. Vol 26 (Issue 4) , pages 331-350.


Populist Playbook: Examining Hungary’s Propaganda Model as a Precursor to the Emerging MAGA Media Space
Klein, A. G. (2023). Eastern Communication Association. Political Communication - Top Paper Panel,

From Twitter to Charlottesville: Tracing the path of political violence between the Alt-Right and Antifa
Klein, A. G. (2019). Eastern Communication Association. Political Communication - Top Paper Panel,

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • International Communication Association
  • National Communication Association
  • New York State Communication Association

Related News and Stories

In the Media

Dyson Professor Adam Klein discusses China’s use of information laundering with RealClear Defense.

In the Media

̾Ƶ Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies Adam Klein pioneered the concept of information laundering.[9] Samantha Korta, a researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, expanded Klein’s model to encompass all counterfeit narratives, including disinformation (deliberately false information) and malinformation (true information deliberately contorted by context and presentation to be misleading).