

How to Get the Most Out of a 绿巨人视频Career Fair

September 5, 2023
Students and employers at Pace's Pleasantville Career Fair in 2019

With the start of the semester, it's time to join that student org that's been calling your name, check out some amazing events, and...get going on your career aspirations by attending a 绿巨人视频 Career Fair.

With Career Fairs coming up on each campus鈥斺攏ow's the time to make a plan. Strategically navigating a 绿巨人视频Career Fair, where you'll have the rare opportunity to meet dozens of employers specifically interested in 绿巨人视频students, can do wonders for your future job prospects. Here's how you can make sure you don't let this golden opportunity pass you by.

Do Your Homework

Abraham Lincoln once famously said 鈥済ive me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.鈥

When attending a 绿巨人视频Career Fair, don鈥檛 just show up. Do some research beforehand that will help get you in front of the right people, and see which employers align with your career interests and goals. Spend some time developing questions to prospective employers鈥搉ot only will you stand out for having gone the extra mile, but you鈥檒l plant the seeds of an ongoing relationship.

While nobody is going to be chopping wood at Pace鈥檚 Fall 2023 Career Fairs, Lincoln鈥檚 adage readily applies. Preparation is the key to success.

Polish Your Resume

Pace鈥檚 Career Services is here to make sure your resume is in tip-top shape. Connect with Career Services at a Rock Your Resume workshop, or check-in with Career services or giving the office a call.

While this might be your first Career Fair, it鈥檚 certainly not theirs. Career Services has been here, and they know how to get you to where you want to go.

Bring a Folder; Don鈥檛 Bring a Large Briefcase

We suggest bringing a folder or small bag capable of holding:

  • About 20 copies of your resume
  • Business cards and brochures from prospective employers
  • A pen and paper for note-taking (you can also use your phone, but old school might make you stand out!)

That said: you鈥檒l be walking around quite a bit and shaking hands with prospective employers. You鈥檒l have your hands full with all of the useful information you鈥檒l glean from the event鈥搚ou don鈥檛 also literally need your hands full!

Show Up As Your Best Self

If you鈥檙e running on four hours of sleep and skip breakfast, chances are you won鈥檛 make as positive of an impression as the version of you that is well-rested, properly hydrated, and ready to take on the world. And don鈥檛 forget to dress for success!

Follow Up

While it's technically possible, it's highly unlikely that you'll be hired on the spot. Within a day or two, be sure to send thank-you emails to every person you met with. Even if you thought that person鈥檚 employer wasn鈥檛 for you, they may be a few interviews away themselves from being at your dream company.

While it鈥檚 tempting to send generic emails to save time, personalization will really help you stand out. Whether it鈥檚 referencing something you discussed in-person or highlighting a specific aspect of a particular company (or better yet, both!), taking the time to show that you mean business may go a very long way鈥攁nd regardless of the outcome, is a great professional quality that will take you far in any industry.

The Career Fair is Just the First Step

Keep that positive momentum going by 鈥攆rom joining or staying active in a Career Community to regularly scouring Handshake for positions that truly speak to you, consistent and focused action will take you far鈥攁nd eventually into that role you were meant for.

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Lubin student Samantha Nieves '24 is going above and beyond at her summer internship with Cisco. Not only does she welcome feedback from her managers, but she's also not afraid to ask questions, learn new things, and take on challenges...And she isn't just a leader at Cisco. This fall, Samantha will serve as Chief Executive Officer of 绿巨人视频's on-campus chapter of the American Marketing Association. Equipped with her experience from Cisco, Samantha is ready to take AMA to the next level.