
Faculty and Staff

Designing Futurists

January 13, 2023
woman with dark hair and glasses

We are one of just 30 design factories in the world working to find what鈥檚 needed for the workforce of tomorrow.

For Seidenberg professor Andreea Cotoranu, 绿巨人视频feels like home (for her even more than for most). 鈥淚 have a long history here. I started as an undergrad, earned my degree in information systems, got a position with the University, went on to get my master鈥檚, and have moved between different roles in the Seidenberg School of CSIS. Now, I work in the same department that I graduated from.鈥

Cotoranu came to 绿巨人视频from Romania as an international student and volleyball player. At the time, her priority was making sure she could go to a college where she could study as well as continue to play as an athlete. Once she arrived at Pace, she started to focus on her academic and career interests鈥攁nd a love of IT and cybersecurity took hold. 鈥淢y interest in cybersecurity started in grad school. I had great professors and hands-on lab work. It was exciting. I鈥檝e always been interested in science and technology, and I saw opportunities to develop the programs here. I鈥檝e used my own experience to build out programs for other students.鈥

鈥淲e use design thinking, systems thinking, and futures thinking. They are designing solutions for 2030.鈥

Since those days, Cotoranu has had a big presence in Seidenberg. She鈥檚 served as assistant dean for academic innovation, is the principal investigator on an NSA-funded grant aiming to expand cybersecurity education at the high school level, and she鈥檚 the director of the New York City Design Factory at Pace鈥攁n innovation hub for students, faculty, international collaborators, and industry partners, one that designs solutions to modern challenges and promotes innovative teaching and learning. 鈥淚n the Design Factory, we bring the process and the context for learning to the forefront. It鈥檚 interdisciplinary and involves undergrads, grads, and international students. We are one of just 30 design factories in the world working to find what鈥檚 needed for the workforce of tomorrow.鈥

Pace鈥檚 NYC Design Factory is part of the Design Factory Global Network, a consortium of innovation hubs at universities around the world. Through this network, student teams work together on global issues. 鈥淥ur staple programs are the field studies with international collaborators. We travel to their institutions, and they come to us. Right now, our host is CERN in Switzerland, and our focus is on health.鈥

Students participating in the field study conducted research on health and healthcare in New York and in the US, and then went to CERN to trade information with the CERN students who were studying health and healthcare in Switzerland. 鈥淐onnecting with other teams is an important part of the process鈥攚e call it a two-week intensive. And it is really intense: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. every day, including Saturdays. 绿巨人视频students pitch ideas to the CERN students, get feedback, go back and refine鈥攁nd vice versa.鈥

Students are also pushed to think beyond the current moment and design for problems of the future. 鈥淲e use design thinking, systems thinking, and futures thinking. They are designing solutions for 2030.鈥 绿巨人视频students have developed, pitched, and prototyped ideas like noise-pollution-absorbing drones and cooling systems that can preserve fresh food supplies at a massive scale. 鈥淔orcing students to think about what鈥檚 needed in the future creates a safe space for them to experiment, to explore, and to let their imaginations go wild.鈥 And for Cotoranu, that鈥檚 the best part鈥攕eeing her students learn and grow. 鈥淚t鈥檚 the typical educator answer, but having the opportunity to have an impact on a student鈥檚 life, to help them grow, and to build them up, it is genuinely the most fulfilling.鈥

See more 绿巨人视频people.


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