

From the Classroom to a Dream Career

August 1, 2021
Heidi Eustaquio

Heidi Cruz Eustaquio, RN, 绿巨人视频 Lienhard School of Nursing graduate has a deep passion for healthcare. A dedicated and hardworking young alumna from the RN4 nursing program on the Pleasantville campus, she is starting her career in Perioperative services with NYU Langone Health.

Born and raised in the Philippines until moving to New York City at age 11, she is the youngest of five daughters. Through early experiences with community service and medical missions with her family, Heidi found her calling to the health professions.

鈥淕rowing up, my family participated in medical mission trips. During these experiences, I, unfortunately, saw lots of suffering due to poor and lack of access to good health care. These experiences instilled a passion for healthcare and sparked my decision to dedicate my life to improving this issue, which is relevant worldwide.鈥

When several of her family members were hospitalized and underwent surgery, Heidi realized 鈥渢he role and privilege of nurses in healing communities鈥 and was inspired by their opportunities to make a in difference in their patients鈥 and families鈥 lives. The experience led to her being fascinated with Perioperative services.

At Pace, Heidi was thrilled with the opportunity to take a Perioperative course as part of her nursing program to help her grow, achieve her dreams, and reach her goals. As a result of taking the perioperative elective course, she was hired for a perioperative trauma position that is often reserved for experienced nurses only.

鈥淭he main reasons I went into nursing were to help people and promote wellness. In this specialty, I can assist and ensure the safety and needs of the team and be an advocate for vulnerable patients.鈥

Today, Heidi has already begun her career with NYU Langone and feels privileged and excited to be working at such a prestigious, sophisticated, and world-renowned institution.

鈥淗eidi was an extremely proactive, engaged and talented student,鈥 said her former professor Dr. Millie Hepburn. 鈥淗er passion for nursing was clear in every nursing course. As faculty, I am so pleased that Heidi鈥檚 exceptional abilities and drive were acknowledged by healthcare facilities, and I cannot wait to hear of her future achievements!鈥

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