Faculty and Staff

Accounting is the Language of Business

November 3, 2021

Faculty Spotlight: Kam Chan

Accounting Department

Lubin professor of accounting Kam Chan

Students have described Professor Kam Chan, PhD, as caring, attentive, and a true scholar. If you get the chance to sit in on one of his accounting classes, you'll find a challenging, but understanding professor who pays great attention to detail and who has deep knowledge of his field. Recently, Dean Singleton appointed Dr. Chan as Lubin's Schaeberle Professor of Accounting. In celebration of this achievement, we talked to Professor Chan about his experiences as a professor and what makes the Lubin School of Business a unique place for learning about business problem-solving.

Why Accounting?

Accounting is the language of business and it involves issues in finance, information systems, management, and other aspects of a business. I find that accounting is a challenging and exciting field.

Why Lubin/Pace?

Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵhas an excellent tradition and reputation in accounting. As a professor, it provides me with a perfect opportunity to work with many outstanding colleagues and students on our New York City and Pleasantville campuses.

What is your research area? Why is it important to advance research in this area?

Financial accounting and international accounting. Financial accounting has undergone substantial changes in the last two decades—from a traditional reporting system based on U.S. standards to an information system based on reporting standards in a global setting. It is crucial to understand how companies incorporate new technologies in their accounting systems and how investors benefit from expanded company disclosures.

What do students learn in your classroom?

I want students to realize that many accounting and business topics are related and based on the same underlying economic and behavioral principles. Students should apply these underlying principles to solve business problems instead of treating them as entirely independent, requiring completely different solutions.

What has been your professional path and how do you bring that into the classroom?

I initially planned to work as a financial consultant when I was an MBA student. However, while enrolled in my doctoral program, I realized that I enjoy being a teacher and researcher. I eventually became a college professor, but I still remember the challenges of being a student. As a result, I am always sympathetic when students run into issues in their studies; I would do my best to help them and accommodate their needs.

Congratulations on being appointed Lubin's Schaeberle Professor of Accounting. Can you tell us more about this achievement?

The Accounting Department chair, Dr. Tang, and Dean Singleton made the appointment based on my teaching and research records. I feel honored to have been appointed and I hope to continue the tradition of the Schaeberle Professorship as a teaching scholar at Lubin.

My best students are not necessarily those who have the best grades. As long as students have tried their best to develop to their fullest potential, they are considered my best students.

What is the single most important lesson you'd like to impart to your students?

I hope my students will always try their best and have a strong work ethic. My best students are not necessarily those who have the best grades. As long as students have tried their best to develop to their fullest potential, they are considered my best students.

What does #LubinLife mean to you?

#LubinLife is an active learning community. Students, faculty, and alumni all engage in lifelong learning in this community.