
Jonathan Hill

Jonathan Hill

Seidenberg School of CSIS
Office of the Dean, Seidenberg
15 Beekman
| Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (by appointment)
Goldstein Academic Center
| Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (by appointment)


Faculty Bio

Dr. Jonathan Hill is the Dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at ̾Ƶ. As Dean of the Seidenberg School, Dr. Hill brings a combination of experience in both academia and the private sector that spans nearly three decades, including 15 years on the faculty of Kingsborough Community College (CUNY), where he developed successful educational programs in technology and entrepreneurship.

Throughout his tenure at ̾Ƶand prior to assuming the Deanship, Dr. Hill served as Program Chair (Computing Information Systems), Director of Special Programs and Projects, Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, and most recently as Interim Dean. He is a founder and director of the NYC Design Factory, ̾ƵSTEM Collaboratory, as well as Seidenberg Creative Labs. He also planned and developed the Seidenberg Scholars program for gifted and talented first-year students, and has cultivated government and corporate programs with organizations that include Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Bank of New York Mellon, Hewlett Packard, NYC Department of Education, New York City Economic Development Corporation, and others. In addition, Dr. Hill has extended significant research partnerships, most notably with the Verizon Foundation and AT&T.

In addition to a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from the University of the Pacific, Dr. Hill holds a Master of Business Administration from the City University of New York (CUNY) and a Doctor of Professional Studies from ̾Ƶ.

Awards and Honors

  • 2013, Fast Paced Leadership Development Program

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CIS 101: Cmptrs & Environmental Science
CIS 101: Cmptrs &Scl Rspnsblty Lrng Pod
CIS 101: Computers & Social Rspnsblty
CIS 101: Downtown New York
CIS 101: Forensic Computing
CIS 101: Intro to Cmptng (CAP) - LC
CIS 101: Intro. to Computing - LC
CIS 101: Introduction to Computing
CIS 101: Introduction to Computing - LC
CIS 101: Introduction to Computing -CAP
CIS 102: IT for Strtgc Comm. Planning
CIS 102: Prblm Solving Using LEGO Rbtcs
CIS 102: Tpcs in Computer & Info System
CIS 102: Web Dsgn for Non-Profit Org
CIS 395: Independent Study in CIS
CIS 396: Applied Problem Solving
CIS 396: Hon Sem: Intersect of Pro Solv
CIT 211: Intro to Computer Systems
CIT 231: Web Authoring & Digital Media
CIT 332: Multmdia and User Intrfc Dsgn
CIT 336: Web Scripting
CIT 481: Cpstn in Infrmtn Tchnlgy
CIT 490: Independent Study in Infor Tec
CS 121: Computer Programming I
CS 397: Tpc:Social Choice & Compter Sc
CS 490: Ind Study in Computer Science
CS 600: Indpndnt Study in Grad CS
CS 612: Cncpts & Strctrs:Intrnt Cmptng
CS 639: Mobile Application Development
CS 643: Mobile Innovations for Global
CS 693: Thesis I
CS 694: Thesis II
CS 804: Independent Research
IS 600: Grad Independent Study in IS
IS 613: Database Management Systems
IT 150: Intro to Web Media & Authoring
IT 691: Capstone Project
TS 214: Computer Operating Systems
TS 313: Multimedia Applctn / Mcrcmptr
TS 322: End User IS: Design, Mgt, Trng
TS 322: End User Is: Design, Mgt, Trng
TS 351: Cmptr Hrdwre: Trblesht / Mntnc
TS 415: Cases in End-User Computing
TS 471: Internship in TS
TS 600: Grad Ts/Ind Study
TS 660: End User IS: Design, Mgt, Trng
TS 671: Intrnshp in Edctnl Tchnlgy
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
UNV 101: First-Yr Smnr: Unvrsty Commnty

Related News and Stories

In the Media

What can we do about this? “If you can come up with something, you’d be the next unicorn.” So says Dr. Jonathan Hill, dean of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at ̾Ƶ, of my question regarding the existence, or impending development, of an alternative to email that rivals its ubiquity and ease of access. (A “unicorn,” in business contexts, refers to a startup valued at over $1 billion.)

In the Media

Seidenberg Dean Johnathan Hill speaks with NY Post about Tesla’s being recalled and the self-driving car crisis.