

Blue CoLab: Right to Know What鈥檚 in Our Water

Alyssa Cressotti
June 11, 2024

鈥淲e don鈥檛 know what鈥檚 in that glass before we drink,鈥 Professor John Cronin, director of Seidenberg School鈥檚 Blue CoLab says. 鈥淚 have a right to know what鈥檚 in my water.鈥 And he would know. Cronin is known internationally for his 17 years as Hudson Riverkeeper and was named a Time magazine Hero for the Planet for his work fighting river pollution. At Pace, Cronin has been pioneering experiential learning for more than 20 years. He鈥檚 no stranger to inspiring student advocacy, as co-instructor for the Environmental Policy and Animal Advocacy clinics, coordinator of the annual Mock Legislative Hearing Competition, and even having co-founded Haub Law鈥檚 .

That鈥檚 the foundation of Blue CoLab, a project providing hands-on experiences in technological monitoring of water quality. With a strong commitment to the principle that there鈥檚 a human right to clean water, which requires the right-to-know that the water is clean, the program involves training, innovation, and research in real-time water monitoring technology.

large group of peole posing for the camera in front of a blue colab banner
John Cronin and the Blue CoLab students.

More than two billion people will be threatened by unsafe water this year, which can lead to waterborne illnesses and other negative health outcomes. While many Americans see unclean water as an issue only in underdeveloped countries, the impact is local as well. This is demonstrated by the , caused by chemical dumping by Dupont and the lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan. In addition, 19.5 million illnesses are caused by pathogens in water in the US annually.

Cronin, Professor Leanne Keeley (who is Blue CoLab鈥檚 technical operations director), and a team of dedicated students work on the Pleasantville Campus tracking the health of Choate Pond, which eventually drains to the Hudson River. Meryl Mizell 鈥25, computer science major and Right-to-Know H20 team coordinator, explains the process, 鈥淚n our pond, we have water quality sensors that monitor the water quality. We鈥檙e able to use that tech to pull data from the pond to allow people to see what the pond water quality is in real-time.鈥

The solar-powered water quality monitoring stations, lovingly named Ada and Alan (after 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace, and British computer scientist Alan Turing, who broke the Nazi Enigma code) take measurements every fifteen minutes and send that data to a Seidenberg server. The team then uses that data to evaluate the water quality, create apps, products, and presentations that help deepen the public understanding of water. The pond serves as Blue CoLab鈥檚 鈥渓iving laboratory,鈥 complementing its data lab in Goldstein Academic Center and its tech lab off-campus.

鈥淪o overall, we do focus on the campus using the pond, but we want to implement it on a global scale,鈥 says journalism major Lilah McCormack 鈥25. 鈥淭he forefront of our idea is having the right to know what鈥檚 in the water we drink in real time. We do get water quality updates from local government agencies, but they only come after a year after you鈥檝e used that water, so they鈥檙e not very useful in making healthy decisions.鈥

We have a really unique opportunity here at Pace, and I think that comes from our mentorship. What we鈥檙e doing here is really special.

Students work closely with Professor Cronin, who has been working on environmental issues for over 50 years. Lilah attributes the success of the Blue CoLab program and experience she is gaining to the mentorship and knowledge shared by Professor Cronin. 鈥淲e have a really unique opportunity here at Pace, and I think that comes from our mentorship. What we鈥檙e doing here is really special. Sure, there鈥檚 a lot of initiatives towards ending the global water crisis, but nobody鈥檚 thinking about the technological advances that can make it possible.鈥

Recently, the six students who work on Blue CoLab鈥檚 Right-to-Know H20 project were accepted into the 2023 class of the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network Fellowship Program. The semester-long program gives students the opportunity to lead projects that advance the UN鈥檚 Sustainable Development Goals. The students working as part of the Right-to-Know H20 team are not merely advocates in civic engagement, but an active force striving to fulfill the United Nations鈥 Sustainable Development Goal, recognizing water as fundamental to all aspects of life. To aid the mission, the Right-to-Know H2O Team has petitioned the United Nations Secretary General Ant贸nio Guterres requesting the UN to declare the right-to-know water quality a fundamental human right.

The ability for these students from across the University to engage with experiential learning that revolves around critical scientific work helps to shape their college experiences, what they hope to do in their careers, and the way the world interacts with water.

鈥淭he work that we're doing here at 绿巨人视频 is just the beginning of what鈥檚 possible,鈥 concludes Sasha Palmer 鈥25.

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