
Two students in class talking and smiling.

Student Entry and Progression

Entry Into the School of Education

All of our undergraduate students accepted to 绿巨人视频who have designated an interest in either the Childhood or Adolescent Education programs are called 鈥淧re-Teach鈥 students. During the Pre-Teach phase, students take the following required courses:

  • UNV 101: Introduction to the 绿巨人视频and School of Education Community
  • TCH 201: Understanding Schools
  • TCH 211A: Professional Seminar II: Keeping Children Safe
  • TCH 301: Education II: Understanding Learning and Teaching
  • TCH 211D: DASA Workshop

Before students progress to the Teach phase of the program, they must apply for admission to the School of Education during the second semester of their sophomore year. Once the student has progressed to the Teach phase of the program, they become a teaching candidate.

Progressing Through the School Of Education

Candidates who progress to the Teach phase of the program are required to remain in good academic standing (overall QPA of 3.0, grade of B or better in education courses, and QPA of 3.0 in academic major/concentration courses). In addition, candidates are expected to exhibit professional behaviors and dispositions both in and out of the classroom. The School of Education believes that all future teachers should take their academic experience seriously. To assist with student success, we offer a variety of academic support services:

Study Abroad

The School of Education is an advocate for the Study Abroad programs available at Pace. We believe the opportunities that a Study Abroad program provides helps prepare students for multicultural learning environments, as well as the chance to view a different part of the world first-hand.

Undergraduate education majors in both the childhood and adolescent programs are encouraged to study abroad during the first two years of their enrollment at Pace, though they may also complete the program during the junior or senior years. We urge you to access information through the Office of Study Abroad and the 绿巨人视频 Student Handbook.

To plan your study abroad experience, we encourage you to speak with the Director of Student Success.

Fieldwork and Student Teaching

In the early semesters of their education program, Education students are assigned to do fieldwork as per course syllabi. Once candidates have progressed to the Teach phase of the program, they will be assigned to a specific middle or high school called the Center for Professional Development (CPD). Candidates remain in the CPD placement throughout the completion of the BA degree, and sometimes the MSEd, if they opt for the five-year combined degree program. As candidates progress through the program, they spend an increasing amount of time each semester in their CPD, culminating in a full-time student teaching experience at the end of the program.

Student Teaching is the culminating experience for School of Education programs. Students will work with an advisor to ensure that coursework and certification requirements are met prior to commencing student teaching. Fingerprinting and certification workshops (child abuse; school violence prevention; and harassment, bullying and discrimination prevention) must be completed prior to beginning the student teaching experience.

Student Teaching Policy

During the student teaching semester, candidates will be assessed using the Common 13 rubric, also known as the Initial Certification Student Teaching Rubric (ICST). Clinical supervisors will use the visitation log to conduct 4 formative observations. During each placement, candidates will be assessed with the ICST rubric, mid-semester, and end of the semester. If a supervisor believes a candidate may not be able to pass student teaching, then the supervisor will conduct a fifth observation to address the areas of concern.

In order for a candidate to pass student teaching, candidates must receive on the ICST "Meets" or "Exceeding" across 9 of the 13 indicators AND No scores of "Does Not Meet." If a candidate does not meet this benchmark, the candidate will be considered to have failed the student teaching semester. Candidates who fail their student teaching will need to formally meet with the DSP, and if necessary the clinical supervisor and/or Chair, to discuss next steps.

A passing grade on the work assigned in the seminar is a necessary but not sufficient condition for passing student teaching. A candidate cannot fail the work of the seminar and pass student teaching.

Student Teaching Portfolio Requirement

All candidates must successfully complete a portfolio as part of the teacher preparation program. The portfolio requirements will be introduced to candidates early in the program, and the portfolio itself will be due prior to graduation.

Please see our Office of School Partnership page for more information on our expectations for student performance and professional standards as you enter into the field of education.

Certification Information And Resources

New Students, learn about certification requirements here.


This page lists commonly needed forms by students. You may access the full library of forms available from the Registrar.