
Students sitting at a common area space in One 绿巨人视频Plaza

Tom Mansley '89 and Jan Mansley '90

Tom and Jan Mansley

For Tom and Janice Mansley, it was fate鈥揳nd 绿巨人视频鈥搕hat set them on a path toward personal and professional fulfilment.

Tom found his way to 绿巨人视频thanks to an early investment that the University made in him. 鈥溌叹奕耸悠祇ffered me a scholarship that made my four-year education affordable鈥搕hat was my primary motivation in studying here,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 was in a combined BS/MBA program. Since I had a four-year scholarship, it made sense to maximize that opportunity and get both degrees,鈥 he explained.

Jan was drawn to the University on the strength of the MBA program. 鈥淚 had [earned] a bachelor鈥檚 in finance and was working at the Federal Reserve Bank, near Pace,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 knew that 绿巨人视频had a great MBA program and that it would be good for my career, so I enrolled.鈥

They met in class in 1988. 鈥淭om would always sit in the same seat. I thought he was really cute,鈥 Jan says. 鈥淥ne day, I got there early and stole his seat!鈥

鈥淧ace, being so close to the heart of the financial industry, enabled me to get key internships, including one at Moody鈥檚,鈥

Tom concurs. 鈥淭hat was how it all started,鈥 he says. 鈥淥ur first date was October 13, 1988, and the rest is history.鈥

Career-wise, both he and Jan saw that their 绿巨人视频educations had an immediate and lasting impact.

鈥淧ace, being so close to the heart of the financial industry, enabled me to get key internships, including one at Moody鈥檚,鈥 says Tom, currently an investment director at GAM, specializing in the analysis and management of mortgage and asset backed securities.

He recalls his classes with the late Professor Robert Parks with special fondness. 鈥淧rofessor Parks wrote an investment newsletter,鈥 Tom says. 鈥淗e was a real professional economist who taught finance classes. One of the great things about 绿巨人视频is how you have professors who are actually involved in the real world at the same time as teaching. Here was a guy who investors paid good money to in order to get his newsletter, and I was able to learn directly from him.鈥

Tom recommends that students strive to cultivate professional talent early. 鈥淕et a hard, tangible skill. You want to be able to walk into an employer and contribute on day one,鈥 he says. 鈥淔or example, I got my first job in the middle of a recession, but I got hired because I knew math and I could program. Chase hired me to run programs and perform data analysis of their credit card programs. I didn鈥檛 have to take any training classes, so they hired me.鈥

鈥淕et a hard, tangible skill. You want to be able to walk into an employer and contribute on day one.鈥

Jan urges students to make contacts. 鈥淭ake advantage of any and all networking opportunities,鈥 she says. 鈥淎 degree is important, but who you know is still critical. The connections that 绿巨人视频alumni can offer are incredibly valuable.鈥

Her concentration was in strategic management, and the coursework helped bridge her academic and professional experience.

鈥淚 left the Federal Reserve after getting my MBA and went to Banker鈥檚 Trust,鈥 says Jan. 鈥淎t Banker鈥檚 Trust, my position allowed me to oversee project management. The classes and projects at 绿巨人视频were very applicable to the workplace鈥搕hey gave me the confidence that I needed to thrive. As an undergraduate, it was difficult to see how my classes would translate to the professional setting, but when I went over to Banker鈥檚 Trust, my 绿巨人视频education immediately served me well and gave me an advantage.鈥

Today, the couple is focused on philanthropy and community service. Jan retired from a career in Global Institutional Sales at Deutsche Bank and now serves as the Vice President of NOVA Hope for Haiti, a nonprofit organization that provides sustained medical care for people in southwest Haiti.

鈥淭om and I are both active volunteers,鈥 says Jan. 鈥淲e frequently go to Haiti on medical missions. We understand the importance of giving back, and not necessarily getting paid for your work.鈥

At Pace, they serve on the Dyson College Board of Advisors and established the Tom and Jan Mansley Endowed Scholarship Fund.

鈥淕iving back means so much to us,鈥 Tom says. 鈥溌叹奕耸悠礸ave me a great education, and made it affordable as well. I want to ensure that the next guy has the same opportunity that I did. It really is a great circle of giving.鈥

Favorite food? Tom: White chicken parmesan

Are you a collector? Jan: I collect nativity scenes. I probably have at least 25.

What do you like to read? Jan: I鈥檓 a Stephen King freak. Tom: I still read books on math; it helps explain how the universe works.