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Append documentation, such as a letter from a publisher or a contract.5.Expected date of completion of project: FORMTEXT      Expected date of publication: FORMTEXT      6.Please list previous Scholarly Research Committee awards you have been granted within the last two years:(Append documentation describing how the award(s) had been spent)7.Have you applied for other sources of funding from Pace University or external sources to complete or expand this project?No FORMTEXT    Yes FORMTEXT    If Yes, where have you applied and when do you expect to learn if your application has been accepted? 8.Have you considered applying for a grant from outside sources to complete or expand this project?9.Please indicate the following: A. Contractual teaching load per year________ B. Release time for research purposes from chair, dean or other sources for last three years (semester/year) _______________ C. Anticipated release time for purposes other than research for the semester in which you are requesting Release Time from this committee.  SIGNATURES:1. Department Chair Date2. SRC Chair Date3. Associate Dean (Dyson) Date 4. Dean DateSUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE PROVOSTS OFFICE. ̾Ƶ Scholarly Research Project Description Released TimeName FORMTEXT      Project Title FORMTEXT      In the space provided, describe the proposed study. Your presentation should be clear and precise; technical details should be kept to a minimum to allow evaluation by committee members from diverse discipl"z~     & ( 8 : N P R \ ^ n p 𸳩sohfjhih5Uj0hih5Ujhih5UmHnHujhih5Ujhih5U hih5 hf5jh 5Ujh 5UmHnHujh 5Ujh 5U h 5 hih5CJhih+"`|~iRRRRR$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdv~jkd$$Ifl(4) 6 04)4 lae4ytv~$ $& #$/Ifa$b$gdv~$& #$/Ifb$gdv~  * 8 E....$$& #$/Ifa$b$gdv~kd$$Ifl4rg .T 6 04) 4 lae4f4ytSQ8 ` n $$& #$/Ifa$b$gdv~ kd$$Ifl4֞g .c!(D_ 5e 6 04)4 lae4f4ytSQ  $$& #$/Ifa$b$gdv~      F z Ļo_jhh CJUjLhh CJU$jhh CJUmHnHujhh CJUjhh CJU hSQCJ h CJhh CJh j(h 5Ujh 5UmHnHujh 5U h 5jh 5U%   | E1x$& #$/Ifb$gdSQ$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl4rg d . 6 04)4 4 lae4f4ytv~|  ^ h$& #$/Ifb$gdv~Ff x$& #$/Ifb$gdSQ$& #$/Ifb$gdv~  | ~   X ` ĻĘאzsmcmVcFcmcjhfCJUmHnHujt hfCJUjhfCJU hfCJ hw*J6CJhr>hih6CJ hw*JCJ hihCJhhf5$jhhSQCJUmHnHuj8 hhSQCJUhhSQCJjhhSQCJU hSQCJhh CJjhh CJU$jhh CJUmHnHu^ ` f  |hhhhhh$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd $$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~   . 024>@DFTt|ɶɩɶɌɃztk^hr>hihB*CJphh3Ul5CJ\ hQ(mCJhTh3UlCJhThihCJjhihCJUjhihCJUmHnHujhihCJUjhihCJUhih5CJ\ hihCJhfjhfCJUmHnHujhfCJUj hfCJU hfCJ$   2 $& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd`$$Ifl4ֈg6  6 04)6 4 lae4f4ytSQ ~jjx$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~ BD|hhhh$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kdH$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~DFHXFFFF$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kdp$$Ifl4\g ( 6 04)4 lae4f4ytSQXFF$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl4\g ( 6 04)4 lae4f4ytSQ|hhx$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl4 0g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~|hh$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~<B 468>@JL`bdjlpr !"#$̩̩ٓ{qhqhhr>CJhThT5CJ hT5CJhh 5hh CJ h CJjhhihCJU$jhhihCJUmHnHujhhihCJUjhhihCJUhh CJhhTCJ hTCJhhihCJ hihCJ'BJnp|hVVVVVV$& #$/Ifb$gdv~$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd\$$Ifl40g(`a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~prkd$$Ifl4֞gTpN ( v8 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~rt !"#lXXx$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~$& #$/Ifb$gdv~#$'{{$& #$/Ifb$gdv~okd2$$Ifl4Jg 6 04)a'4 lae4f4ytv~N_~jjjjVx$& #$/Ifb$gdv~$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~;=N]^_`bu ;<>?NPUĽ{{vrkrf hih5 hih5CJhih h y( h15 h5 hCJ h1CJ h35 h3CJ hihCJh+Hhr>5CJh+HhQ(m5CJ hW5CJ h15CJhhCJhThT5CJ hw*JCJ hTCJhhr>CJhhihCJhThih5CJ%|jjj$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl40g(a' 6 04)4 lae4f4ytv~}}}$& #$/Ifb$gd3mkdD$$Ifl4(4) 6 04)4 lae4f4ytl;iWWW$& #$/Ifb$gd3kd$$Ifl4F (v 6 04)    4 lae4f4yt1;<=>iUU$& #$/Ifb$gdv~kd$$Ifl4F (v 6 04)    4 lae4f4yt1>?|jjXjF$& #$/Ifb$gd1$& #$/Ifb$gdc$& #$/Ifb$gdkd $$Ifl40 v 6 04)4 lae4f4yt1iWWW$& #$/Ifb$gdkd$$Ifl48F (`v` 6 04)    4 lae4f4ytckV$$& #$/Ifa$b$gd1kd $$Ifl4F ( v  6 04)    4 lae4f4ytc AOzz $ $Ifa$$Ifokd!$$Ifl48(4) 6 04)4 lae4f4ytcOPU $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$^kd!$$Ifl*+04 laUV`a  68LNPZ\dxddddeef gggfhhhidkfkklllmmmmmn n nnhih h`CJ hihCJh3UlhihCJh3Ulh>CJ hF! 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Most tenured and tenure-track faculty receive 6 credits of release time per academic year to conduct their scholarly or artistic endeavors, and have a 9/9 credit load. Please describe the project(s) undertaken during this release time. If the project described in the current application is related to the project described in f, please clarify the difference and justify the need for additional release time. In addition, please append a Progress Report for your most recent award from the Scholarly Research Committee within the last two years, as listed in #6 above.  deggfhhhiifkhklll n n $$Ifa$ p>$If^`> & F p$IfgdL39 p$If p$If^gd> & F p$Ifgd> nnngd akd%$$Ifl4**04 laf4(/ =!"#@$@% $$If!vh#v4):V l 6 04)54)/ 4e4ytv~tDText1tDText28$$If!vh#v#v#v#v#vT:V l4 6 04) 55555T/ / / / / / /  / 4e4f4ytSQtDText3tDText4tDText5$$If!vh#v#vD#v_ #v#v#v5#ve:V l4 6 04)55D5_ 55555e/ / / / / / / / / / / /  / 4e4f4ytSQtDText6tDText88$$If!vh#v#vd#v #v.#v:V l4 6 04)4 55d5 5.5/ / / / / / /  / 4e4f4ytv~vDText10vDText11vDText12vDText12$$If!v h#v#v #v#v#v.#v#v#v :V l4W 6 04)55 555.555  / 4e4f4ytSQ kd $$Ifl4W g@  .( . 6 04)$$$$4 lae4f4ytSQ$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~vDText23vDText248$$If!vh#v#v#v#v#v:V l4 6 04)6 55555/ / / / / / /  / 4e4f4ytSQ$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~vDText21$$If!vh#v#v#v#v:V l4 6 04)5555/ / / / / / 4e4f4ytSQvDText22$$If!vh#v#v#v#v:V l4 6 04)5555/ / / / / 4e4f4ytSQ$$If!vh#v#va':V l4  6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)+55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~vDText26vDText27$$If!vh#v#v#v#v#vv#v8#v:V l4 6 04)+55555v585/ / / / / / / / / / / 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v:V l4J 6 04)a'5/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/ 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v#va':V l4 6 04)55a'/  / 4e4f4ytv~$$If!vh#v4):V l4 6 04)54)/ / 4e4f4ytl$$If!vh#vv#v#v:V l4 6 04)5v55/  / /  / /  / 4e4f4yt1$$If!vh#vv#v#v:V l4 6 04)5v55/ / / / / /  / 4e4f4yt1$$If!vh#vv#v:V l4 6 04)5v5/  / / / 4e4f4yt1$$If!vh#vv#v#v:V l48 6 04)++5v55/ / / / / /  / 4e4f4ytc$$If!vh#vv#v#v:V l4 6 04)++5v55/ / / / / 4e4f4ytc$$If!vh#v4):V l48 6 04)54)/ 4e4f4ytc$$If!vh#v+:V l05+/ 4tDText1$$If!vh#v#v#v*#v$ #vv#v.:V l40555*5$ 5v5./ / / / / / 4f4tDText3$$If!vh#v#v#v,:V l40555,/ / / / / / 4f4$$If!vh#v*:V l405*/ 4f4s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List J>@J Title$ 1$a$5CJhtH uRYR  Document Map-D M OJQJ^JB' B 0Comment ReferenceCJaJ4"4  0 Comment Text:1:  0Comment Text Char@j!"@  0Comment Subject5\F/QF  0Comment Subject Char5\HbH  0 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJN/qN  0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJHZH v0 Plain TextCJOJPJQJ^JaJJ/J v0Plain Text CharCJOJPJQJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< jt Un %/8  | ^  Dpr#;>O^d nn  !"#$&'()*+,-.0189GSY`lrCOS\hlsZfjo{ BNTUag}jFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFtFtFF8@0(  B S  ?Text1Text2Text3Text4Text5Text6Text8Text10Text11Text12Text23Text24Text21Text22Text26Text27HaD]t[pCl ZsTmk Ullz M z ~ R U . 1 U V J T Y^l33333333333??uu    #=nn00XXUh}iltn_,FJt"\Iwtu@b28 ^`OJQJo( 8^8`OJQJo(^`OJQJ^Jo(o  p^ `OJQJo(  @ ^ `OJQJo( x^x`OJQJo(H^H`OJQJ^Jo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`hH. ^`hH. pL^p`LhH. @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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