Julia Rae Maldonado
Playwriting/Theater History
Email: jmaldonado@pace.edu
from San Antonio, Texas. Her work has been developed and produced in NYC by companies including the Theatre East (Muses), LAByrinth Theatre and internationally (MUT! Theatre, Hamburg and Interkultural Festival, Stuttgart). Her play Juntos was a finalist in the 2021 Samuel French OOB Festival and her play Buskers! was a finalist for the Heideman Award (Actors Theatre Louisville). Her play Real Life is included in Gary Garrison鈥檚 A (More) Perfect 10 and A Younger 10. She is also the author of a collection of short plays for teens commissioned and produced by the Stella Adler Studio. Julia is a founding member of the GirlSOUP Collective and facilitator of Theatre East's writer's room. Member of the Dramatist Guild. BFA- NYU, Tisch, MFA - Actors Studio Drama School.